O/T Have I got issues?

jdelpi said:
Yeah really.
And what the fuck is up with people using cell phones for so many other purposes now? It seems to me like on one end, technology is making things better and better, but on the other end, things are getting worse. I admit, I have a camera phone. I use the camera for taking pictures of things I might want that I see in stores that I want to research later (books, CDs, DVDs, humidifiers). I also use it to take pictures of my cat to use as a desktop. But my camera phone will never take the place of a real camera. Now I see ads for downloading songs onto cell phones. WHY? WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO PAY TO LISTEN TO A SONG ON THE PHONE?

Because, let me qoute Stickan Andersson, ABBAs manager, "People are not as stupid as you think. They are stupider."
Carcassian said:
Sorry about the somewhat misleading topic title, I'm sure most of you would agree that I have.

The basic question is a response to a friend who thinks Im weird because I can't stand to have copied CDs in my collection...
I'm the same...of course, getting copies from friends is a good way to hear new music, and if I really like it, I want the real thing.
nafnikufesin said:
(Same thing goes with DVDs these days...absolutley NOTHING in the packaging, so what advanatage are they offering the customers over a burned copy...get with it, people!)
Really? I've seen some pretty kick-ass DVD packaging, like the new Gladiator, for example, but I agree that some studios are re-releasing titles totally bare-bones (Fuck you, MGM/Sony!). The only thing about a burned copy is that most DVDs nowadays are dual-layer, and compressing it to single-layer isn't good enough for me (unless the original disc is single, of course). How much do dual-layer discs cost now? A few dollars? Fuck it, I'll get the original. I only buy movies I really love, anyway.
yeah i used to be really anal about my cd collection, no copies, no promos, defo no mp3's. 10 years on i got thousands of jewel caes just taking up room......stacks of cd's that are just a nightmare to keep sorted and get to waht i want...... i used to worry about supporting the band and stuff too, and if its a cd i seriously like i will get it on cd, but that sjust to get a cd i love in proper form.....if i wanted to support the band i may as well just send them 3 bucks cos thats a f**k load more than they'd get from me if i bought the cd, bands need support, labels dont.
So basically you're saying that you simply steal and download music for free and don't feel bad about it, is that right?

I hope you do indeed send $3 to every band you steal from, but for some reason I doubt it.
lokey said:
yeah i used to be really anal about my cd collection, no copies, no promos, defo no mp3's. 10 years on i got thousands of jewel caes just taking up room......stacks of cd's that are just a nightmare to keep sorted and get to waht i want...... i used to worry about supporting the band and stuff too, and if its a cd i seriously like i will get it on cd, but that sjust to get a cd i love in proper form.....if i wanted to support the band i may as well just send them 3 bucks cos thats a f**k load more than they'd get from me if i bought the cd, bands need support, labels dont.

If labels don't make money off the bands, they will drop the bands.
lokey said:
yeah i used to be really anal about my cd collection, no copies, no promos, defo no mp3's. 10 years on i got thousands of jewel caes just taking up room......stacks of cd's that are just a nightmare to keep sorted and get to waht i want...... i used to worry about supporting the band and stuff too, and if its a cd i seriously like i will get it on cd, but that sjust to get a cd i love in proper form.....if i wanted to support the band i may as well just send them 3 bucks cos thats a f**k load more than they'd get from me if i bought the cd, bands need support, labels dont.

The thing is I like being so "anal" about the music. I don't feel like the jewel cases are clogging the house up, and to be honest, there would need to be a lot more cds to do that, as I live in a semi-mansion anyway (yeah, I know that last statement makes me a cunt).

I have a creative zen mp3 player for convenience factor to play in my car - I wouldn't risk putting my cds in the car in case I crashed and snapped the CD - some of the discs I have aquired are so rare that even the bands and labels don't stock them anymore! (Don't believe me? Try and buy early Lord Weird Slough Feg stuff in the UK!).

I know record labels make money. Shops do too, but I don't go shoplifting because Asda/Walmart rips off farmers.
Originals for me .... you get all the pretty packaging, the disks are better quality (generally speaking) and you are supporting the guys playing the instruments.
I read yesterday that a cd-r/dvd-r discs only last 2 years. The more expensive ones could last up to 4 or 5 years. Theyre not the same quality as the originals obviously. Most hard drives arent recommended either. Apparently magnetic tapes are best.
jdelpi said:
Good luck finding quality ones in the stores though.

As a rule, I only burn stuff for myself that I want to last a long time on Fuji made in Japan discs. Perhaps I am completely off base on this, but that is what I do.

yeah, Japan-made Fuji's have become near-impossibly to find around me now. If I need a lot, I order TYs online
spitzs lazy eye said:
The cds will last, not the quality. Even the originals wear out.

I have CDs nearing 20 years of age, and they work as well today as the day I got them. For burnable media, if it's made in Japan, it'll last longer than you or I will be on this planet.
MadeInNewJersey said:
yeah, Japan-made Fuji's have become near-impossibly to find around me now. If I need a lot, I order TYs online

Last time I found them, they were on sale at Staples. I might do well to go back and buy some if they still have them, even at regular price. I used to get Fujis at Best Buy everytime I saw them listed as being on sale at salescircular.com, but they started carrying the Made in Taiwan ones. Nothing lasts forever. (except for that which does)
jdelpi said:
Last time I found them, they were on sale at Staples. I might do well to go back and buy some if they still have them, even at regular price. I used to get Fujis at Best Buy everytime I saw them listed as being on sale at salescircular.com, but they started carrying the Made in Taiwan ones. Nothing lasts forever. (except for that which does)

I hear you man. I don't know when it happened, but it seemed like it was overnight. One day Best Buy only had Taiwanese...bah!

The Staples around me only carry junk, so that's not even an option.

Hey, do I know you from any other forum? You know & talk about things that I don't typically associate w/ UM.com (salescircular.com, lossless data files only, etc.). :D
MadeInNewJersey said:
I hear you man. I don't know when it happened, but it seemed like it was overnight. One day Best Buy only had Taiwanese...bah!

The Staples around me only carry junk, so that's not even an option.

Hey, do I know you from any other forum? You know & talk about things that I don't typically associate w/ UM.com (salescircular.com, lossless data files only, etc.). :D

"Notman" on sharing the groove and DimeAdozen, though I hardly download any bootlegs anymore. Now, if there were, say, a Piece of Mind soundboard, I'd download in a heartbeat, but I have pretty much stopped.
jdelpi said:
"Notman" on sharing the groove and DimeAdozen, though I hardly download any bootlegs anymore. Now, if there were, say, a Piece of Mind soundboard, I'd download in a heartbeat, but I have pretty much stopped.

I think I remember that name! Especially from STG...we had a good little metal community going over there. I've always been either MINJ (acronym for MadeInNewJersey) or markgugs, but yeah, I barely D/L boots at all anymore. I can't even be bothered to trade either, I already have more music than I can listen to in my lifetime. I'll grab cool DVDs if I find 'em though.