O/T: HELP!!! I Have No Idea


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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If you were a near-30 tattooed athiest govt-employed accountant who was getting married on Halloween, what kind of a gift would you want???? I asked and got the ever-annoying "Nothing, just show up." I also know nothing about his fiancee, except her name and that she puts up with his ass, and has agreed to continue til she dies. :grin:
When my friend was getting married me and few pals decided to buy them sex shop items for a gift, but a lil exaggerated. We choose the biggest "dildo", saying that a smaller one would have offended him. You should have seen the faces of the bride's family (mothers, grandmothers). But I ain't suggesting you this cos from a woman it might not be so appropriate. :) But otherwise... I dunno. Buying gifts has always been nightmare for me.
I did have some stupid ideas but UM fucked up on me...probably for the better, actually. I have no idea. Perhaps a bottle of fine wine? :)
A humidor and some cigars. Even if he doesn't smoke, the humidor and fine cigars makes for a nice conversation piece. I have mine located next to my wine rack in the basement on the bar. It's great, you can go down there, grab a cigar and get a glass of merlot. People say, "whoa, that must have cost a couple hundred dollars." Truth is, you can get 25 Thompsons (reasonably good) and a small humidor for about 30 bucks.
well... my girlfriend was in the same scenario once. she got her friends together and paid for someone to film the wedding. and then her mom made them an afghan blanket. But what I think you should do is get them alcohol. or... if they like all kinds a gift certificate for Spec's or something (I'm assuming there are those in arizona) or for whatever liquor tore you guys have. Or even an applience. They're getting married they're probably gonna need a toaster or blender. But I think you should skip getting novelty gifts or sex toys because I would think you kinda have to shop around for those according to personal taste. so maybe a gift certificate for one of those stores? But deffinately get them something they will use. I hate getting novelty gifts. I mean what the hell can you actualy do with it? Novelty gifts are for bachelor/ bachelorette parties.
Well, I know his world revolves around Guinness... I *think* he smokes cigars, but I'm not sure. That's a good idea though, Ty. When I asked what to get them, he said they both lived on their own for 10 years before they hooked up, so they already have everything they need. I was going to get a gift certificate, but I don't know what stores they have here that are also in Alaska (I'm thinking Eskimos and igloos :lol: ). I could research it all online, but just buying something would take less time. When I got married, I got a roasting pan and a dinnerware set, and everything else was for the baby (I was pregnant). I could have made them a blanket, but I didn't think of it sooner and now I wouldn't get it done (as it is, Grandma's blanket got pushed back to Mother's Day) in time. I saw an idea online last night for framing the invitation with pressed flowers or some shit like that, which I might end up doing if I don't find anything soon.
My buddy is getting married next satruday and I'm going to give him cold hard cash. I don't care if its proper and I'm sure he and his new wife wont either. They can use it for their honeymoon
Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
If you were a near-30 tattooed athiest govt-employed accountant who was getting married on Halloween, what kind of a gift would you want???? I asked and got the ever-annoying "Nothing, just show up." I also know nothing about his fiancee, except her name and that she puts up with his ass, and has agreed to continue til she dies. :grin:

a bible:lol: preach the word sister!
well, maybe, if you really dont like the dudes shes marrying, get her a chasisty belt that has "Back The Fuck Up" imbued on it.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well, I'm friends with the guy, but I wouldn't know the girl if I tripped over her. A bible would probably make him shit his pants. :lol: If it was just him, I'd just pay for another tattoo...if he has any room left (haven't seen him in a couple years).