O/T I am so sick of stupid people winning


Thrax chick
Sep 1, 2004
First Dime gets shot by a sick maniac, now I get a call last week saying that one of my friends was stabbed to death by a white supremicist. I had to help explain to his son Damien (who happens to be my Godson) who is 4 years old, why daddy can't sit up and hug him. why are these people roaming the earth? I can't understand this. It's just tradgety after tradgety. I hate this fucking world.
it's a fucked up world we live in, there is nothing you can do about that, just look at history , it has always been like this. You just have to try and make the best of it. Keep it up!! and RIP for youre friend!!!
Pink_Metal said:
First Dime gets shot by a sick maniac, now I get a call last week saying that one of my friends was stabbed to death by a white supremicist. I had to help explain to his son Damien (who happens to be my Godson) who is 4 years old, why daddy can't sit up and hug him. why are these people roaming the earth? I can't understand this. It's just tradgety after tradgety. I hate this fucking world.

:headbang: :headbang: