O/T...Im quitting smoking...any help?


Apr 18, 2005
In a bar
Well...decided to quit the weed....any suggestions people....did cold turkey a long time back...seemed to work...interested to hear anyones ideas?
I've quit smoking cigarettes and I know its not the same, but what I did was I avoided places that I would normally go to smoke for a while. I know its hard because you can do it everywhere but try to avoid the other places. For me, it was bars. I couldn't go to them for a long time but now its no problem. Whatever you do, I wish you a lot of luck and sometimes it might take more than one try, but you can do it!
Yeah, I´ll help you!

Don´t smoke 40 cigarettes, like I´ve today! Then maybe, I´m a bit drunk, so fuck that!

Advise 1:
Don´t go to Holland! Or here! Don´t come here! It´s to easy to get it here!
Adivse 2:
Drink beer!
Miltbrand said:
Yeah, I´ll help you!

Don´t smoke 40 cigarettes, like I´ve today! Then maybe, I´m a bit drunk, so fuck that!

Advise 1:
Don´t go to Holland! Or here! Don´t come here! It´s to easy to get it here!
Adivse 2:
Drink beer!

when evere u get the urge to smoke just masterbate makes u forget u want to smoke trust me(or just watch/look at porno)
Well...decided to quit the weed....any suggestions people....did cold turkey a long time back...seemed to work..
don't sound to me like it worked 100 % if your quiting again you must have restarted at sometime.
if you really wanna quit you will. when tempation sets in find something to do that'll take your mind off it and after a while the brain won't crave it anymore and, it won't be part of your life anymore. also find someone to hang with that already quit or dosen't smoke weed to begin with. sometimes some of your "friends" are your wors't enemy.good luck
Whatever you do don't start drinking heavy to make up for the weed. I've known many people do that and end up MUCH worse off then they ever were as potheads.
Get a prescription for Zyban or Welbutrin. I started smoking around 13 and did until I was 27-smoked 2-3 packs a day. You have to want to quit and have a reason(I did for my son) and the prescription is great, bascially you take it for a couple of weeks, and when you feel like you dont care if you smoke anymore you stop, cold turkey. I thought it would be harder than what it was
Stop! listen to this man and i'm really serious. I quit back in March and it was really fuckin easy! You may or may not have heard of this book called "The Easy Way" by a guy called Allen Carr. Get it, seriously, check it out on Amazon or somethin, it really fuckin works, all you have to do is want to quit.

My Partner was expecting our first wayne so that was my motive and having tried before i was dreading it but, provided you dispell the fear of quittin it's really easy. Don't get patches and don't rely on "Will Power" all these things make you think that you are facing a monumental task when all you're doin givin up on breathin in shit, coughin up shit and smellin like shit.

I know I sound like a fuckin preacher here but i can't stress this enough, for the sake of £6 it has to be worth a try, everyone i know who's used it, it's worked for.
Good for you mate. I've never smoked, but you're definitely making a good move to quit. I've read that Allan Carr book as well (I gave it to a friend who smoked). I would recommend it, possibly in conjunction with MetalThrasher442's five finger plan!
Ahfurfuksek! said:
Stop! listen to this man and i'm really serious. I quit back in March and it was really fuckin easy! You may or may not have heard of this book called "The Easy Way" by a guy called Allen Carr. Get it, seriously, check it out on Amazon or somethin, it really fuckin works, all you have to do is want to quit.

My Partner was expecting our first wayne so that was my motive and having tried before i was dreading it but, provided you dispell the fear of quittin it's really easy. Don't get patches and don't rely on "Will Power" all these things make you think that you are facing a monumental task when all you're doin givin up on breathin in shit, coughin up shit and smellin like shit.

I know I sound like a fuckin preacher here but i can't stress this enough, for the sake of £6 it has to be worth a try, everyone i know who's used it, it's worked for.

Good luck with it Paul. I've been wanting to quit for a few months now. Everytime I light one of the fuckers up, I think "why the hell am I doing this?" It's crazy, but still I do it. Not only for the sake of my health, but also for the amount of money I'd save. Roughly £130-150 a month.

I've heard about this Alan Carr book, but does it really work THAT easily? What exactly is in it? I know of several people who have quit after reading it, cant the power of written word REALLY be that strong? Please fill me in, might be worth a read.
i tried quitting a bunch of times and it was a real bitch. then last year my fiance was getting on me about it being bad for me, and then she started having my son say stuff like "daddy, that stinks" so i quit cold turkey. i smoked the last butt out of my pack of cigarettes, and that was it. alot of people didn't like me for a while, i became an even bigger asshole than i already am. but i stuck to my guns. my boss said he was gonna by me a carton of smokes to put me in a better mood, i told him he'd be shiiting marlboros for a week. just stay focused, and you can do it. :headbang: i feel sooo much better since i've quit.

i quit for 5 days once, got kicked out of my house cuz i was being a prick. first thing i did was walk my ass the 3 miles to the gas station i bought a pack of smokes, a lighter, and a coke.

the worst part was i wasnt having the cravings anymore, just the withdrawl side effect of being an irritable asshole on a blood thirsty rampage.

then you keep telling yourself you'll quit end of august, end of september, blah blah blah.

what i did was simple, i buy a pack at a time, so one night i ran out and was too shitfaced to get more so i decided i'd quit. i stuck with it and i did feel better physically.

its amazing the change you feel when you quit, that you didnt feel when you started.


forgot to mention im quitting end of october

and stick with it no matter how bad it gets, dont have another one. it will make quitting again that much harder.
Ulster Mosher said:
I've heard about this Alan Carr book, but does it really work THAT easily? What exactly is in it? I know of several people who have quit after reading it, cant the power of written word REALLY be that strong? Please fill me in, might be worth a read.

It's quite hard to explain but i'll give it a go. The book is based on the principle that the problems associated with giving up are 90% in the head. If you start dreading giving up before you even start then you're destined to fail because you have a notion instilled in your brain that you are depriving yourself of somethin when in actual fact your not.

It promotes not using any substitutes like patches, chewing gum or that shit because again doin this shit just prolongs the process and continues to make you feel like you are depriving yourself of the real thing and all that shit. You shouldn't feel deprived when givin up, you should feel really fuckin good about yourself.

Now I don't know what way it works, whether theres some hipnotic element to the book or what, but all i can say is that provided you "REALLY WANT TO QUIT" it works a fuckin treat. From the day i stopped i still sat with smokers, went to the pub with smokers and never felt like having one.

It really worked for me and it's bound to be worth a try, it's the best £6 i ever spent. If it don't work then what the hell... it's not like you're out a fortune.

P.S the big question that people ask is "if it's that easy then why isn't on the NHS?" well this guy reckons that the Government have to be seen to be making an effort to stop smoking but we all know that if everyone quit tomorrow then the economy would be fucked. Thats why they make patches available, there's only a 5% success rate with them so theres no chance of a sudden fall in ciggarette sales.

Good luck folks, I hope it works out for y'all!