O/T...Im quitting smoking...any help?

Mr Carr is a very good mind manipulator, he's so far got me off the old coffin nails for 4 months (although to be fair Jar Jar Binks could do jedi mind tricks on me). I had never heard of him or his books before until a (smug) mate gave up with the aid of his book. Give it a go.
Jockthrax said:
Mr Carr is a very good mind manipulator, he's so far got me off the old coffin nails for 4 months (although to be fair Jar Jar Binks could do jedi mind tricks on me). I had never heard of him or his books before until a (smug) mate gave up with the aid of his book. Give it a go.

Yeah that smug thing is familiar, I think anyone who reads it tends to preach about it like one of those evangelist people (just read my posts above) but to be honest it's not so much preaching as tryin to let people know that it can work and can be a relatively stress free experience.

I NEVER want to be one of those anti - smoking wankers, they just make you want to smoke more. My reasons were all about the kid, I never wanted to be one of those tossers who blow smoke all over their waynes so I quit and I can honestly say (havin tried before) the book really helped me out.