O/T My take on Episode II


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
Hey TD you can rip me a new ass but IMO this movie sucks so much. It´s something between a computer game and Backstreet Boys song. The "romance" dialogues between Anakin Skywalker and Amidala made me laugh my ass off. I am a huge SW fan (I mean, old SW) but I was pretty disgusted by this crap. $$$$$$$$$$, nothing else matterZ.
Listen here you fuckin' fuck!!!

No seriously, everyone is entitled to thier own opinion, I was just hassling N.F.F. because as a smart-ass shit stirrer who spends his entire summer living like a rock star, it is my nature.:D I enjoyed Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones very much. In fact, in my town, it is making it's second run thru the theatres, as this weekend it hits the "low dough" theatre. I'll prolly watch Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace the night before I go back to the theatre.

But, every one has thier own likes, and dislikes. Some people look for stuff in good taste, me, I look for stuff that tastes good.:)
The only highlight of the movie is Yoda fighting, which lasts all of a minute.

The characters are not likeable, the acting is wooden (granted it was never great in the original series, but George drops it to an all-time low), the CGI for all it's hype is pretty weak (the whole "Gladiator" scene looked like it could have been done with claymation...the fight in Jabba's pit was more realistic), the dialog is forced and predictable (you could see the "I have a bad feeling about this" line coming a mile away), the plot (what there was of it) was slow moving, and the villains are almost absent and not in the slightest bit menacing.

Lucas tries to tell us that this was supposed to be a love story, but fails convincingly to show any chemistry...he would have been better off letting us assume something happened off-screen. He doesn't have to show the origin of absolutely everything, because I'd rather see a plot that is exciting than ultimately see new inconsistencies that can't be explained (like R2D2 flying).

Let's face it, if episodes 4, 5, and 6 hadn't come out first, this series never would have made it as far as episode 4. I feel compelled to see episode 3 only for completeness sake, not on the merits of episode 1. My hindsight is 20/20, but at this point, I much would have preferred episodes 7, 8, and 9 instead.

But you're right TD. It's a matter of opinion, but in this case, I guess ours are different. Cheers. :)
When Bobba picked up the decapitated Jango's Helmet and his head fell out that would have been great!!!!! Also I would love to have seen Anekin kill off more sand people! Come on show what rage he has in him. Show the kids being killed, the women there pets etc...... I know it is suppose to be left up to the imagination but come on! R2 now flies!!! Bad idea! And I agree with Naf. The villans where so bad they werent evil they where laughable! If episode 3 is this bad ( and it will be) Fuck George LUcas and ILM.. They only thing this film was about was$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and with that the succeded
I didn't think it was THAT bad but I was a little let down. The biggest proplem I have with Episodes I & II is that it seems like they are trying to cram so much into a 2 hour movie that a lot of things just don't seem complete and a lot of questions go unanswered. I have much higher hopes for the next one since Lucas (as I understand ) isn't going to direct it.
Originally posted by KY_Fried442
I didn't think it was THAT bad but I was a little let down. The biggest proplem I have with Episodes I & II is that it seems like they are trying to cram so much into a 2 hour movie that a lot of things just don't seem complete and a lot of questions go unanswered. I have much higher hopes for the next one since Lucas (as I understand ) isn't going to direct it.

I agree KY_Fried442, although my opinion is much closer to TD's on this one, I too felt alittle let down from the overall feel of "Attack of the Clones". But, I think the hardest thing that everybody may be forgetting if the fact that it's almost impossible to live up to episodes IV, V, and VI. Even with better technology, you just can't beat the chemistry between Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Billy Dee Williams. James Earl Jones as Vader's voice, and will you look at all of that it's painfully obvious that the real problem with Episode I & II is lack of acting. You can have all the special effects in the world and it will all fold without a good cast to truely carry the weight. The other way to look at it is that there actually is some good acting that goes into Episode I & II (Ewen McGregor), but the cast is just not as superior as the orignal one.

I still love em though, but you can't beat those original three movies....


Lucas didn't direct OR script Empire(he's credited with the story though), and look how it turned out. I liked EPII, but I think a director that could do good action scenes and get more emotion out of the actors would do the trick.
Did you's guys hear Qui-Gon Jinn yell, "Anakin! NO!!" when Anakin decapitated the Sand Dude?
Originally posted by Thra:rofl:ude
Did you's guys hear Qui-Gon Jinn yell, "Anakin! NO!!" when Anakin decapitated the Sand Dude?

YES WE DID! That was very cool cause when my friends and I saw it on opening night we were whispering about it and like three different rows of Star Wars geeks in front of us were like "What, what did it say?" and when we told them they were like "Oh my God, that was cool". You certainly have to be listening for it, but it's certainly there!

