O/T: New Slayer Album - title announced

Christ Illusion is exactly what I would expect a Slayer album to be named. With Slayer you know what you are getting when you purchase an album. The formula may get repeated a lot but they admit to that.
i think its funny that you guys are bitching that slayer has been doing the same thing for 20 years...all the while on a message board for a band that is only playing songs that are 20 years old. Atleast slayer is honest to their fans, do what their fans want, and dont change because of some whiny peoples attitudes. In my opinion, they havent been doing the same thing over and over.....everyone says that GHUA and DIA were shit, but i thought they were decent records. When you are a band like slayer, you arent going to please the masses.....and that is perfect for me.
SMP840 said:
i think its funny that you guys are bitching that slayer has been doing the same thing for 20 years...all the while on a message board for a band that is only playing songs that are 20 years old. Atleast slayer is honest to their fans, do what their fans want, and dont change because of some whiny peoples attitudes. In my opinion, they havent been doing the same thing over and over.....everyone says that GHUA and DIA were shit, but i thought they were decent records. When you are a band like slayer, you arent going to please the masses.....and that is perfect for me.
