O/T: Roth/Hagar tour, unfuckinreal!!


Yeah, I know this is the ANthrax board, noone cares about the Sans Halen tour, but I gotta tell ya, that show last night, was simply phenomenal. I myself am not a huge VH fan, I bought tickets thinking that this would just be a fun opportunity to get shit faced and maybe see a half way decent show to kick off the summer. Sort of a white trash Buffet fest. Instead of Parrot Heads, there'd be Mullet heads. WRONG! Let me tell ya, I've been to about 170 concerts in the last 15 years, and this show made it's way right into the top 10. Mr. Hagar started things off, and it was just unreal. The theme from the movie "Heavy Metal" being a definite highlight, as well as all of his VH hits, Montrose era hits, and solo stuff. I now see why the Metallica boys are always hopping on stage w/ Sammy, this guy fucking jams. After his show, I was thinking "man, that was good, how in the hell is Diamond Dave gonna top this???" Jesus H. Goddamned Motherfucking Christ almighty. Diamond Dave was unprecendented. He played classic after classic. It was to the point where you were thinking "hasn't he played everything??" and then he would play something else from VHI or VHII, and you were just left going "god-damned! this rules!" Diamond Dave had the crowd of 10,000 just eating out of his palm. I'm glad I went to this show, I swear to God, this was the most fun I've ever had at any show. I really can't put into words how good of a show this was. I am still shell shocked and dazed.
Thats cool TD!

Hey, Diamond Dave is the shit when he wants to be! Not only that, I actually thought that the tour was a good idea for there are so many older Van Halen fans out there, that alone would make people show up. Sounds like a fun show.


I've said this in other threads, but as good as a guitarist such as Eddie is, it's the singer that ultimately gives the band the unique part of it's sound. Whether it's Gary Cherone singing Sammy's stuff, Sammy singing Dave's stuff, John singing Joey's stuff, it's just not the same even if the rest of the band stays the same. Sometimes, changing the singer makes the band better (ie. John Bush), sometimes it totally changes the complexion of the band (ie. 3 different Van Halens), but it's never the same again. For me, DLR was always the entertaining part of VH, so I'm glad to hear he's still kicking...it's a shame that the egos had to drive the original band apart.
I loved when Diamond Dave was in Van Halen. I would've liked to have seen that show, but I'm pressed for cash. Maybe it will come out on video? Did Michael Anthony play bass during the concert at all? I heard he was going to tour with them.
I can't rave enough about this tour, if you are even just a casual fan of VH and this show is hitting your town, by all means go!! I'm looking for another shot at going so I can catch this show again. It looks like Pittsburgh on 08/11. I didn't even mention how great both of the singers bands were. DLR had some young phenom on guitar, when he played "Eruption" he owned the joint. And The Waboritas, are a great, great unit. They have this black fella on guitar who shreds, and this hot Indian chick on bass that is the shit. I'm plundering my basement as we speak looking for my long lost VH records. I just dug out 5150, and I've got it cranked to 10. Eddie and Alex are being shown to the world as egotistical idiots with what is going on the Sammy Lee Roth tour.
Yeah I saw this show about a week ago at Riverbend Music Center. It was a great show and Daves set was just like you said it was, one hit after another. It might go in my top 10 outdoor theater shows. I just prefer the club size venus. Dave closed the show in Cincinnati, are they rotating spots or is Dave always last?
This was the second time I got to see Dave this year, the first was at a festival in atlanta. It was coo you could just walk up to the stage and get as close as you wanted.
So TD was he in a skin tight blue outfit or a skin tight gold outfit?
Im wish I could of went to see that show! Did Diamond Dave look all old 'n' up there on stage? I heard that Last summer he kicked Ass live! I wish I could of went! Its to bad he's only playing "Yankee Rose" from his 'Eat em & Smile' Album! He has alot of other Killer songs from his Solo catalog! But Of Course nothing can touch old Van Halen! So did Dave do and jumps off the Drum Riser or any Splits? I bet the Guitarist Ruled as well! Dave always finds Guitar players with Extraordinary talent!
I saw DLR last summer and Sammy two summers ago and they both kicked ass!
DLR is by far the ultimate frontman! Sammy is awesome too but Dave has so damn much energy, he just never stops!!
Yeah, Dave did the "toe touches" from drum riser, and the over the mike stand jump/kick. I felt so cheesy, as I was going nuts whenver he did those!! And I can't say enough about Sammy, he took VH songs I was just "ok" with, and made them sound soooooo awesome. Literally, I've been listening to the title track from 5150 all day thinking "why didn't it sound this good 16 years ago??????"
Hey I love 5150! Damn good album! The title track, that opening riff is so damn Killer! Also "Dreams" & "Why Cant This Be Love" Are excellent songs! "Best Of Both Worlds" is another goodie!
The Only Sammy era VH album I never really liked was OU812!
"For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" Is an excellent VH release as well!
Do you know where I can check out some pics from that tour?
I was crazy DLR and VH fan back in basic school (hard rock kid :)) but I appreciate Eat ´Em And Smile the most. Rip me a new ass but I always couldn´t stand Sammy Hagar, both as the singer and performer. Van Halen finished for me when he joined. Roth rulez!
I think each album that Van Hagar did got more and more adult contemporary sounding, which is what alienated a lot of the old fans. But Van Hagar sold a boatload of albums, so who can argue. Sammy seems to come across a lot cooler in his post Van Halen days I must say. He hit the stage in a pair of sweats and a Hawaiin shirt, and he kept drinking and talking about smoking weed - he was just very laid back and the fans fed off of it.