O/T: The Battle for Ohio!


Aaahhh yes. All time series goes to the Browns. The Bengals are coming to the Mistake by the Lake just in time to get the Brownies back to .500 (or so). If the Brownies don't win, I'm leaving CBS in handcuffs. Plus, if the Bungles lose, then the silly ass high prices for those Bronx and 'Boys games in the Natti will go down in price, and I'll make the trip from C-Bus to watch Vinny and Jake the Snake beat on the Bungles. :hotjump: :loco: :err:
Yeah!! The battle to end all football battles.... or something like that...this might be painful to watch. I'll say Carson and the brothers Johnson will pull this one out. But thats the Bengals fan ever the optimist. Either way its going to be a long season for the Brownies and the Bengals.
What about the Lions???? We're 3-1 sitting on top of our division!
Hopefully we can woop up on the poorly playing Green Bay and remain at the top of our division!
I'd never thought we could've beat Atlanta last week, let alone get 6 sacks on Vick!
GO LIONS (we don't get to say that often)
This game is gonna have me sweating bullets. If the Bengals only win two more games this season I'll be content as long as they were against Cleveland.
Carsons "growing pains" are killing me. Why couldnt he be like Big Ben Rothesburg (sp?) and just go out and get it done. But I guess its hard to throw when your always on your back of runnng for your life.

I'm happy for the Lions. They are like the Bengals just not on such a grand scale. Its cool to see them do well.
Roethlisberger looks like a veteran. He's being benefitted from a solid running game, which will help any qb, especially a rookie QB.

I'm not here to rub in the win (ok, maybe a little) 'cause the Fucking Steelers stealing that game from Vinny in Big D has me pissed. BUT, wtf is up with the Bengals? How do go from one game away from the playoffs, to looking like the same ol' Bengals?? What's Marvin Lewis thinking. I know developing a QB is important, but if they had Kitna in there, they might be undefeated. By the time Palmer "develops" the rest of the team may be even worse. The NFL is a win now league, and I wonder about the Bengals logic. They are one of the worst teams in the league again.
It is the Bengals. That's what they do, TD. Just when you think they are gonna be good, they do something stupid and end up with a top three pick. I'm predicting here that they will draft Kyle Orton, the QB from Purdue.

Since I haven't watched many Bengals games, can someone tell me if they have a running game at all? That might help Carson out a little. I was surprised he was named the starter. If I was Kitna I'd be little pissed and ask for a trade but with the way quarterbacks get injured I don't see Cincy letting him go.
One knock on the NFL is that teams never want highly paid players sitting on the bench, even if the guy behind them is legitmately a better player-it makes the team look stupid. "We're gonna pay this guy a bunch of money, then keep him on the bench" They think somehow they'll look more stupid for keeping a highly paid player on the bench than playing a cheaper guy who gives them a better chance to win. I hope that makes sense?

I wonder how many of these situations go on out there-I've heard in the past of other players that got the starting nod just cuz the team had so much cap money tied up in them.

On another note (I'm a Bears fan) but how about the Vikings offense? I know they were only playing the Saints, but they're down to their 4th string RB (a rookie), one of the best receivers in the league is on the sideline hurt, they're playing a rookie right tackle in place of an injured potential pro-bowl caliber player, and their starting TE is out for the season (I think their backup is hurt right now) and they have been insane on offense this season. Just think if they were full strength!
Our RB Rudi Johnson showed promise last year. We drafted Chris Perry and I don't know what the hell he has been doing. Rudi is having a rough way to go because he never gets any holes or blocking. Carson cant do much with the rush in his face week after week. I doubt if Kitna was in we would be doing any better.
Bob Bratowskie (I know thats not spelled right) needs to be fired. He sucks. It will be 3rd and 15 and he will call a slant to gain us 5 yards, or some other bullshit play. He'll run Rudi twice up the middle then its 3 and 10 one bad pass and we are 3 and out. FUCK we will never get another Monday night or Sunday night game...Congrats Ty, the Brownies were the better team this week. Hell we made Garcia look like a stud...
TD said:
I'm not here to rub in the win (ok, maybe a little) 'cause the Fucking Steelers stealing that game from Vinny in Big D has me pissed. BUT, wtf is up with the Bengals? How do go from one game away from the playoffs, to looking like the same ol' Bengals?? What's Marvin Lewis thinking. I know developing a QB is important, but if they had Kitna in there, they might be undefeated. By the time Palmer "develops" the rest of the team may be even worse. The NFL is a win now league, and I wonder about the Bengals logic. They are one of the worst teams in the league again.
Go ahead and rub it in, I fucking deserve it. I mean it wasn't like the Browns were playing good ball or anything and they completely wiped the floor with the Bungles. Cincy has got to be the worst city in America to be a sports fan right now.
Ture, the Bearcats are at least allways competative (in basketball anyway) but I'm much more a UK fan then UC. I still like UC though. I think it's stupid as hell that there's such a rivalry between the two when then never play each other.