O/T The NEW Star Wars

Inside Out

Anthrax Groupie
Mar 5, 2004
Binghamton, NY
i seen it, only one i seen on the big screen, i dont know what the hypes about tho. never did get into it, maybe thats why. who here is gonna see it.
I'm sure the new one will be just as unwatchable as the first two. George Lucas ruined something great. That fucking douche.
Just wait until Lucas changes his mind and episode 7-9 comes out...

"You make me want to beat a down syndrom kid with a bag of kittens." - Darth Ewok, Star Wars 7 "Death of the new so-so hope".
I just got back from watching it, and I'll say this: THAT MOVIE KICKED FUCKING ASS. Anyone who doesn't like that movie could NEVER be pleased, so don't listen to the naysayers. It's so good it makes you forget the first two movies even happened. I was gritting my teeth and on the edge of my seat the entire time. Go watch it!
Just got back from the movie theatre (only saw a bootlegged version until now)


Hayden Christensen evolved lightyears with his acting, no stupid Jar Jar a very dark atmosphere, it was stunning! I liked it even better than "kingdom of heaven" which IMO also was a hit!
Considering how much of the story Lucas had to tell in Episode 3, it was well done.

Their were elements of it that I was still dissapointed with mind you. I don't want to get down to the details in case I spoil it for someone who is waiting to see the movie, but I will say that IMO I thought that the Chancellor was able to seduce Anikin without trying too hard. I know their was one motiviating factor but it still pretty easy to presude him.

But I guess we should enjoy it for what it is and not probe too deep........