O/T: The "War On Porn"'s first casualty - Suicide Girls.com


I just wanted to let you know that, thanks to the "War on Porn," SG will be taking down a bunch of photosets and individual photos today.

Even the FBI agents paid to surf for porn find this ridiculous, but apparently sending people to jail for pictures of two consenting adults enjoying a little rope bondage is more fucking important than.... I dunno, pick any one of the million of better causes out there that the government could be focusing on.

So, I apologise heartily for having to do this, both to the SuicideGirls whose art is being fucked over and the members who are being treated like babies, but we really don't want to get shut down and sent to jail. As soon as legally possible, the photosets and pictures about to be taken down will come back. Until then, bid a fond farewell to your favourite blood-bathing beauties, rope-bound babes, and handcuffed honeys. Apparently they've no place in today's society.

If you want to help stop this stupidity, feel free join SG in donating to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the Free Speech Coalition. If you live in the US, you can also send a letter to your representative in Congress.


At first, I couldn't begin to say how stupid it is in an intelligent way, so I recorded this:


And then I decided to start a letter-writing campaign for your local member of Congress:

Letter to send to your member of congress:

Dear Sir,

I am writing you as a citizen of ______________,__. I am writing specifically because I am very concerned about the new wave of attorney general Alberto Gonzales's "War on porn", which seeks to target not just child pornography (which is reprehensible in every way and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law), but pornographic images and videos that depict consensual sexual acts between legal adults.

According to the Washington Post, Mr. Gonzales has ordered the FBI to target porn that features "includes bestiality, urination, defecation, as well as sadistic and masochistic behavior." I have no problem with authorities choosing to target pornographers who deal with material that is not consensual between both parties (child porn, bestiality, etc.), but when the government starts telling Americans what is acceptable for them to look at beyond those limitations, I am furious. I believe in freedom of speech, in freedom of the press and in freedom from governmental invasions of privacy. And I firmly believe that this new FBI task-force is simply the Bush Administration's new wave of morality police come to tell me what I can and can't do with my free time.

This is unacceptable in view of the First Amendment of course, but also because it is diverting key resources from more worthy fights for the FBI to undertake (such as the war on terror or homeland security for instance.)

I urge you as a leader in your party and a congressperson with a strong record on individual liberties to take congressional action on this issue and let Mr. Bush and Mr. Gonzales know that the American people will no longer tolerate intrusions into their personal sexual choices or their freedom of expression.

Your City, State