O/t War?


Hosebag wannabe
Feb 12, 2002
Somewhere in Time
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Well. it looks like war with Iraq.

Colin Powell says that "We Can't keep kicking this can down the road."

I am not a warmonger, but Iraq has flouted everything that the UN has wanted it to do since '91. And I am ashamed of those people in Europe who have not learned the lesson of Munich in 1938, when there was a chance to stop Hitler.

Of course, this war has to do with oil. I am not going to deny that. But, for the love of God, when your country is defeated in a conflict and signs the peace pact, it has to abide by those rules. Clearly Iraq has not done that.

I have a good friend who will probably go, and a cousin as well. And this time I am really scared. Iraq will use whatever (nuclear/biological/chemical weapons)...and this is not good. And Israel says it will retaliate if it is attacked. The entire Middle East couyld explode.....
Not Good...
Fuck the middle east. We could sure do without em.
Let's do the world a favor and kill em all.
Then let America take over. And gas will be 15 cents/gallon.
It sucks ass that Americans have to go in there for war. We should bring all those Americans home, then Nuke the fucking place (IMO). I could care less about the women and children in Iraq.
It's not our fault.
Well I certainly don't like the idea of us being portrayed as the "bully".
Iraq has ignored UN mandates, until the George W. started kicking some ass. It shouldn't have gone that far.
So we are the 'aggressors' for some convaluted reason.
I've got more to say, but people get tired of reading ramblings, so I'll say this, and then goodbye...........

FUCK THE FRENCH & GERMANS, and their anti-American isolationistic attitudes.
they should have finished it off the first time,the general(forget his name)told bush senior they should go get saddam and finish him off but he declined,looks like junior has to fix his fuckups.

sas troops from australia will prob hit the ground first!!!!!!!!!!

they are highly respected by the american army,america is in a no win situation and i am not talking bout them not being able to turn iraq into a parking lot,more the fact that if they dont act and iraq get trigger happy with another country,or use chemical weapons on another country then america will get the blame for not acting first,wheras they act first and they still cop shit!

face it the bad guys are 1 up on us,this all stems from sept 11,bottom line is dont fuck with america!!!

i'm with thraxdude on nuking them,those bastards have a chemical imbalance.
that was bad thraxdude. I understand where you're coming from but put yourself in there shoes. I mean the women and children who are given no control. They have no way of changing things. They'll be tortured into following if they go agianst. I think getting rid of the middle east would be great but there are too many that we can save from the hell they are in. It's the bastard leaders that have them scared and brainwashed. I hate all this bullshit just like you do. But stop and think, would it be justice to kill all those innocent people. All those children who haven't even had the chance to make a decision. The people like Osama and Saddam that do terrible things to other people deserve to be killed very very slowly.
Good replies guys.

I have to agree after 9/11, the gloves are off. We finally have a president who is willing to get the job done. I just hope it doesn't explode over there.

I agree, tough to kill innocents. Especially when the people cannot even speak freely. That's why the scientists won't give private interviews to the UN inspectors. They are afraid that the government will assume they gave to much information, and jail/torture them or their families.

I don't think we should nuke, unless there is a large scale direct attack from a given country. Similiar to Pearl Harbor. That nuking was justified.

A 'First Strike' scenario is a tough sell on the rest of the world.
It's tough to nuke on the basis of Terrorism, since they typically don't represent a given country. Not only that we have home grown terrorists, remember Timothy McVeigh?

I'm glad to see Britain and Australia are aligning thereselves with us. Hell, Canada's not even giving much support.
MrThrax is right...it's a no-win situation. Sucks when you are trying to the right thing.
Canada isn't supporting us because they sortof got the short end of the stick. They helped alot with cleaning up after 9-11 and feel like they got no respect for it.
I know Saddam has to go. But what the UN resolutions have called for is evidence and the inspectors still say they haven't found anything. Bush agreed to the resolutions but still seems bent on war. And even still says he's not bent on war when it's appearent that he is. I don't think he's very intelligent and I don't think he's the right person to head this type of thing. Thank God Powell is there. He's awesome. I wish he would run for president but I guess he knows where he can work his talents the most. What it comes down to is I think the Bush admin knows something about Iraq that justifies going to war but for some reason they won't tell us.
One thing I deffinately think is shitty is people calling people traitors for expressing their views. Like what that one chick said to Streissand (sp?) when she spoke out agianst Bush. That was utter bullshit. This country is founded on freedom of speech. This is deffinately a time when we should be hearing everyones voices.
None of those bastards are innocent of anything. They need to quit kneeling over to their "god" and join the 21st century or all go join their God in hottest Hell. We should have finished them off 12 years ago, IRAN your next then Arafat. Godzilla can take care of North Korea for us. If we have any bombs left over, I say we take out France. Sometimes I feel like we liberated the wrong countries in WWII.

Serioiusly war sucks infinite dick but so does planes flying into buildings. If anyone doesn't think Iraq harbors and aids terrorists, they're overthinking the situation. Fuck the Saudis too. Ride a bike everyone - BT
i read in the paper yesterday that they are actually stages accidents in diff places so the inspectors are stalled from getting to cetain places!!!!!!!!!

if u trust saddam to do the right thing u are nuts,and yeah our government has always supported uthe usa,we have the same values.

if the un doent get tough on irag the un will have no respect from any country.

un has commented on the way we have illegel immagrants(not refugees)in detention centres.saying its inhumane,we give them shelter tvs radios pay tv food,and they burn the detention centres down,and they say we are inhumane fuck them all.

why waste our money on shit,help out our own first and have no australian on the street,those bastards hate us with a passion so fuck em,they are beyond help.
I am glad to have inflamed the masses with this post.

Brent, I agree wholeheartedly with what you say!!! As an American of French descent, I am sick of the French. What a rotten waste of space. We should have let the Germans, keep the whole rotten area. Then we wouldn't have to deal with those hircine, hirsute, arrogant, gallic fucks! The brave Americans who now lie in perpetual slumber in France---died liberating there rotten country---are now surely rolling in those graves.

Thanks for nothing France. I didn't expect anymore from them.

As for the Germans, what can I say? After we annihilated them twice in the last 100 years, I suppose we can't expect any help.

So far it's the Brits, and Aussies, who are going to help straighten out this little mess in the Middle East. Thank God for that.

After we get this problem solved, I hope America takes a long look at our over-dependence on the oil teat of the middle East. We should start pouring huge amounts of $$$ into energy research. Nuclear, Solar, geothermal are all options that must be harnessed to free us from having to deal with the idiots that are in power in the Middle East.

And when that day comes---as it surely will--the middle East will shrink back to insignifance, with a bunch of Camel Riding nomads who have nothing to export but sand!

A pissed off American!!!
Next stop Baghdad!::mad: :mad: :mad:
I loved it...NOT!!

Sorry I couldn't help myself.

By ripping on the French, for the most part I am attacking the government----I'm sure I didn't offend an upstanding French citizen as yourself....If I did, well...what can I say, except,

Je suis un asshole!
I agree thank god for Powell, and Rumsfield to for that matter.
Bush does seem aggressive in this stance. Think it's a tactic to make Iraq tow the line?