O/t War?


Vive l'France? Pourquois?

I just read "Band of Brothers" about the 82nd Airborne, in World War II. They had many kind things to say about the Dutch. Also they had great respect for the German civilians, who IMMEDIATELY, set about clearing the rubble, and rebuilding there country. This was something that General George S. Patton, noticed.

These soldiers didn't have much nice to say about the French---who were apparently waiting for American aid, to help them rebuild. Classic French, I say!
yeah the french government is realy pissing me off too. They pulled this shit back during the last gulfwar not letting us fly in their no fly zones.
But anyone who says the citizens of middle eastern countries aren't innocent should stop and think about what they are forced to see and follow everyday. Muslims are supposed to be peaceful but like with any religion there are a few that will twist what is written to suit thier own lust for power. Muhammed would kill every lastone of the assholes that had anything to do with what happened on 9-11.
France will jump on the bandwagon once they see britain australia and america getting all the oil.
Luckily everyone I know who is going over there, is actually pumped about kicking some ass. I still don't like the idea of some of our boys coming back to their mothers in pieces, but it's an inevitability. The other thing that bothers me is some of the fucked up shit that happens here w/out the aid of terrorists. Everytime I read about some crackhead raping an old woman, the 11,000 people that die each year from hand guns, assholes like Morello (still a guitar god though :)), the Baldwins, or 99% of republicans talk, I wonder "why fight for these fucks." However, I think we need to go over and kick some serious ass before shit is allowed to get worse over in the sandbox.
australians stick together when we need but i love how people of usa are so patriotic.
it sucks when people in your own country especially here in aus and america enjoy the fruits of freedom yet always point the finger when the hard decisions have to be made,sometimes u have to fight to enjoy the freedom we have.

funny story about the australian sas troops in afghanistan,the americans thought we would be bringing the beer.

the only way to stop crime is zero tolerance.
Yeah there's a lot of dumbasses too. To many have the microphone to spat their stupidity is seems like.

But it is great to say your opinion, whether people like it or not. At least we can say things against our government.
At least we can have rallies supporting or dis-approving of government activities. (unlike China, and many others)
At least our voices can be heard.
We can even oust our President if we had to. (unlike Venezuala) (but we wouldn't over a BJ, cause we all need a little lovin)
I don't want ANY Americans to die because of this stupid asshole.(Sadam Hussein)
However, they are fighting under the premise that they are making the world safer for everyone.
For that alone, I have tremendous respect for the US Military personnel.

As a prominent Japanese general once said "I think we have awoken a sleeping giant."
Nap time is over fuckers, we're waking up and kicking ass.
I don't like the french goverment, I cant stand most governments in the middle east and I am not to fond of my govermnet either. Still I would rather live hear ( or Cananada) then any other place in the world. I do agree with the left wing extreamists when they say "No blood for oil" OF COURSE WE ARE GOING TO TAKE THERE OIL. Helping stop terrorism is just one of the many perks we gain by fucking Sadam in the do do hole! North Korea I dont't know shit about. But I do know nukes are for Fags that can't fight. Shure we have plenty of em but hell we had a brilliant German invent em.
Jono- I was gonna reply to you but Brent beat me to it. I will add this:
The women aren't innocent, they breed terrorists. And the children aren't innocent, they're future terrorists.
fuck that dude they have no choice. tell me this man. Think about if you were born in afghanistan. The government keeps shoving hateful bullshit down your throught. and maybe even you still don't follow them and strive for a better way whatever little you can. Then some guy from another country comes and shoots you because you look like a "terrorist". That would be very shitty and I'm sure you would feel it was very unjust. Actualy you wouldn't feel anything you would be dead. And then you would have no way of trying to change the way things are at least then you could die for a good cause. You can't just mindlessly kill people because they look like a terrorist. Thats racist. It would be genocide. You can't tell me every single person in the middle east is an evil villian bent on destroying the USA and the rest of the world. Fuck man even the people that are, think of how shitty and poor thier life is because of what regime controls the country. They tell them it's our fault and they're so desperate they believe them.
To quote an angry Scotsman forced to teach French:

"Bonjour ya cheese-eatin' surrender-monkeys"

That pretty well sums up the French heroism and their valour in battle and their pussy attitude when it comes to war. Does the Vichy government ring a bell anyone?
hell no it's not easy. Plus if er when (I should say) we do kill civilians we will be blamed for it and that sucks but oh well. We don't purposefully target civilians and no one seems to care.
I'm for ousting Sadam. But I'm not for the bush admin saying they have proof that sadam has "naughty" weapons when they still haven't even shown congress this proof. And agreeing to a resolution and then going agianst it. Why can't he just say "sadam is a dictator and we want to liberate Iraq and save ourselves from a possible disaster." Then at least he would have a reason that he has given publicly.
Three people who mean the greatest danger to the world's peace:
1. Osama Bin Laden (if he's still alive)
2. Saddam Hussein
3. George W. Bush

I didn't make it up, in fact I read it somewhere. But I really agree with it. And I say fuck the war. I'm being pretty terrified of how you guys would bomb every country that disagrees with you, including France. I know terrorism sucks the biggest ass, but I don't believe there wouldn't be a possibility to take Saddam out secretly. Without thousands of people dying. Including your and my friends, brothers etc. I never understand the whole thing - when there is a conflict, they send out the young guys to die for their...what?
A lot of the peace protesters in the good ol' USA, are quite fond of this slogan.

War is a last resort. And it does and has solved many problems before. For example:

1.) Think of the 12 million Hitler had executed in his death camps. If like minded countries had not had the gumption to fight off this menace, how many more would have died?

2.) Look at Hiroshima/Nagasaki. A dreadful, fate, but it ended up breaking the back of the Japanese warmongers and forcing peace. I am quite sure that occupied Korea and China were happy for that day. The Japanese were brutal & evil conquerors. Look up "The Rape of Nanking", or read the book, "Ghost Soldiers" which tells of the American soldiers who were POWS underneath the Japanese. I am sorry any innocent person died when we bombed those cities, but it saved a shitload of Jap & American lives who would have perished, had the US invaded, which it was going to do.

3.) The American Civil War. A war of liberation to end slavery. What more noble cause can there be?

I am not a warmonger, but I am a realist.

I have absorbed the lessons of history; war is evil, but there are worse things.
And JohnnyCzech, you above all should be sensitive to this argument. If the French & British had BALLS, Hitler could never have dismembered Czechoslovakia like he did in '38, which paved the way for his further aggresion, and the start of World War II.

I believe we face a similar menace today, with rogue Dictatorial states (Iraq & North Korea) who would similarly launch foreign "adventures" to create chaos and improve there standings and force hegemony in there regions. Iraq has done this before in 1990, and North Korea in 1950.

Besides the fact that Iraq has used chemical weapons on its own citizens and against Iranian troops during the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88.

Iraq has flouted the UN mandates for 12 years, and it is time for them to give a full account of there weapons program, which the UN INSPECTORS ARE SAYING HAS NOT HAPPENED!

If the rest of the world, with the exception of the UK and Australia, are scared of this menace, step aside!! America has had the gloves off since September 11, 2001.

And I say it is high time to come out swinging!

America is pissed!! Believe it!! Some may have already let those 3000 who died fade from memory, but not all of us!

If this happened to your country, what would you do?

:mad::mad: :mad:
I come from a war-torn country, Bosnia, and I have lived to see many people killed and many lives and cities destroyed. Therefore, I am always for a peaceful resolution of any conflict if it's possible - war, what is it good for?? None of you would "vote" for war if you or any of your family had lived through even a day of bombings, famine or everything else that the war brings with it!!
As for ThraxDude's comment... I hope you aren't serious man because if you are, your comment just might be the most bigotted one ever seen on this board. Don't buy all the bullshit that the US propaganda stuffs down your throat. There are two sides to every story and even if you think that the Arab/Muslim countries are hellbent on destroying USA, take time to understand their position and why is it so. George W.'s propaganda and Saddam's propaganda aren't that far one from each other 'cause they're both trying to sell us their bullshit about who are the bad guys.

That's my two cents.

Long live Canada a.k.a. America Jr
damn, I was beginning to feel alone here.
There is a problem with taking sadam out secretly. Once you take him out he'll have a successor. which will maybe even be worse than sadam, he'll be seeking retribution for the death of his leader. So if Amreica is going to force sadam to disarm then we'll also have to take the country and station troops there and sactions and all kinds of shit. Alot of sadam's followers aren't going to like that so they'll fight us. Politics are shitty. There's always other reason's than what they openly tell us nowadays. People in Power get corrupt alot of the time. Yes even here in our "perfect" country. I'm not saying I don't want to live here and I don't think we have done some great things. But the whole world is like this. It hurts me every time I hear of pointless loss of life. Whether it be people murdering each other in the states, or killing each other over political differences in other countries.
This brings me to another point.
Some people have the reasoning that everyone in the middle east is a terrorist because there are many in the countries that are terrorists. So is it safe to assume in cities like Houston and Los Angeles and any other US city with a high crime rate is just full of criminal? murderers? Then we should just nuke those cities to get rid of them. What about the IRA? should we nuke Ireland because of them? I live in houston, I'm not a criminal.
Dutchy, you are a french literacy master.
But it's more "Vive la France ? Pourquoi ?" than "Vive l'France ? Pourquois ?"
After "mes amies" is correct but not in this sense.
I'm a man (I think) and alone when I read you.
So "mon ami" is more correct. "mes amies" is when you talk to women... or you can say "mes salopes", "mes putains", "mes cochonnes" but it's more rough. Very rough.
Oh yes, french language is so boring to learn...
" Ik drink een slag aan jouwe gezondheid! " <- you can correct this approximative netherland sentence.

So "mon ami" is more correct. "mes amies" is when you talk to women... or you can say "mes salopes", "mes putains", "mes cochonnes" but it's more rough. Very rough.

C'est pas mal vulgaire... Mais, parfois très approprié! :)
read in the paper the other day that it gonna be 10 times bigger bombing mission than 12 years ago,the bottom line for this argument is dont fuck with america its as simple as that,the usa will decide who's the bad guys now.

the thing is this is exactly what osama wanted he wants a jihad well we we give him one

i think iraq might hold the record soon for biggest parking lot inthe world,what do u think thraxdude?

one more thing,if my hometown city got fucked i would be even more aggressive in my statements,bali was very close to home as well as having lots auusies blown up,but on your home turf,its war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!