O/T You ever piss out your hiney?


Feb 4, 2002
:kickass: So Ive been on a bender over the last few weeks drinking nothing but tequilla and I have noticed all of my feces is water. Some times its a disturbing green color from the margueritta mix. And Holy good god the stench! Its like nothing I have encounterd before. I won't even get into the constant bleeding and iritation along the inner anul cavity. Good thing I got stock in Preperation H. So in light of this I have decided to lay off the sauce for awhile so my rectum can regain its composure. The bonus to this is I will lose a shit load (no pun intended) of weight. The bad part is I wont be killing anymore brain cells ...... You know what that means? I'm gonna start thinkin clearly again.. Oh the horror of it all.. Oh the horror..:puke::puke::puke:
Metal Maiden said:
Thank you so very much for sharing that. :ill: (I'm really glad lunch is over)
That's what you get for posting the picture of some guy's schlong in the last word thread!

Thanks, prime666!
I think I might have company longer than expected. :Smug:

Fuck no! I just need to let my ol' pooper rest up a bit & let the wasteline get smaller. Didnt your mother tell you never to be a quitter!
~I had something similar happen once, the stomache pain was fucking awful. But it wasn't alcohol, of all things it was too much vitamin water. After that I quit my diet. But hey guy, when your body does fucked up things like that... it's trying to tell you that you're not taking care of it. To be blunt, don't end up dead of alcohol poisoning.