Obama's Inauguration /Good Riddance "W"

That said, I honestly think organizations like PETA are absolutely ridiculous in many ways, because they seem to entirely forget that every day on every continent, animals kill animals. It is completely natural, and especially in places like Africa, there are some really brutal killings that are all commonplace. I'm talking about crocodiles ripping a gazelle in half while it struggles in vain to break free, or a bunch of lions attacking an elephant or a water buffalo. Water buffalo and elephants are tough, but when there's a dozen lions sinking their teeth and claws into them, it's only a matter of time (sometimes hours) before the lions win. I actually think that watching animals track and kill their prey is extremely interesting... It is RIDICULOUS how fast a cheetah will chase a gazelle and how agile they are...sometimes the gazelle gets away, but much of the time, the cheetah catches the gazelle's back and takes it down, or even catches the gazelle's neck with it's mouth. I know you all already are aware of all of this, but I think it's important to illustrate my point...

not just africa...animals die excruciating deaths all over the place, all the time

i've seen my cat maim the fuck out of countless smaller, weaker, helpless creatures, often tearing off their limbs while they're still alive. in the end, human "morality" is a bunch of bullshit. the only rule in the natural world is to do what you need to in order to survive, and yes - that applies to us humans as well.
We are alllllll animals. Animals are animals too hah. We eat each other. That's how it is, that's how it's been. That's how it gon' be!
Sustenance ftw.

Haha sweet, im gonna shoot you and eat you :)

And this topic mainly being about having the right to defend yourself, give those gazelle's shotguns and make it fair! :rock:
Thought you non-US'ers might get a kick of this shot I snapped with my phone of a part of the magazine rack at my local Supermarket :D


Obviously there are TONS of other magazines on the rack, and I'm in a pretty remote area in central NY, and not all Americans read those mags, and blah blah blah - but those are still some pretty ridiculous blurbs ("Street Survival," oy...)
i've seen my cat maim the fuck out of countless smaller, weaker, helpless creatures, often tearing off their limbs while they're still alive.

Same thing with my (former) dog..... The little bastard caught a bird once, and the wife was too close. He did his "killing shake" thing & eviscerated the poor bird..... and the wife wound up screaming with blood splattered all over her.....

...it took me a good 10 minutes to stop laughing. "But honey, I thought you loved horror movies?"
Alex Jones is that special kind of miserable failure that could *only* come out of Austin... I seriously think he's been put into his position to *discredit* people who question governments, as he's too far off the deep end to have gotten anywhere through intelligence or skepticism.
