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Oct 23, 2003
Pacific Northwest
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At this point I'm happy whatever happens. I love the Bush man, but this is the trend these days. Bands are reuniting and cashing in while they still can. Dickenson is back in Maiden, Halford is back in Priest, Megadeth came out of retirement, etc. I've been a fan of all versions of Anthrax over the years, and I'm sure I'll be a fan now. What is somewhat perplexing is the timing....they really did well with We've Come For You All and seemed to really reestablish themselves as a band that mattered. Now this? Peculiar to say the least. Of course, if you look at the "business" decisions the band has made over the years, you could hardly call them shrewd when it comes to making the right decision when it mattered. For that matter, why did they get rid of Joey when they did? The band had just come off of their "arguably" biggest tour ever with Public Enemy, and had massive exposure. They signed a big contract with Elektra and were ready to soar. They could have released a record right away and built on the momentum. Instead they canned the singer. LOL. I just feel like they might be making the same mistake again. Outside of Van Halen, no bands carry on with the popularity they once had with a new singer. You automatically alienate the fanbase. I remember when I was waiting in line for the White Noise concert in Seattle, and OVERWHELMING the comments were "Man, I'm just here to check out the new singer. If he sucks, I'm gone!" Based on that, I can really see why there could be 3 guys waiting in the wings for ever guy that stuck with the band.

But what the hell do I know?

Now all we need is a Faith no More reunion and everything will be peachy!
Something about "cashing in while they still can" really doesn't sit well with me. They tried to a few years back on the Maximum Rock tour with Megadeth and Moldey Poo! And i seem to remebmer Joey flaking out on them. This freak show won't last long! Bush will return and Anthrax will kick ass once again!
IF the reunion does happen, I think it's bad business. Regardless of the $$$, it's wrong. You don't bring back 2 guys you fired, and a 3rd that left under questionable circumstances and joined another band. Will I still be a fan?? yep. I'd love to see Anthrax get the popularity and respect that they deserve. I'd love to see them headline big arena shows that are sold out to 30,000 screaming fans in the states. But I think that this should be w/ current lineup not a reunion. Who knows, I could be very surprised, and maybe the ATL lineup needed some time away like Sabbath and Priest and they blow everyone's cocks off 'cuz they rock so hard with some all new heavy as fuck material on the next album they do. I admit I'm torn. :Spin:
Rozy157 said:
Outside of Van Halen, no bands carry on with the popularity they once had with a new singer.
AC/DC did and then some...they only got bigger. But then again, they didn't really have a choice, did they?

On the other hand, what if AC/DC did a reunion with Dale Evans on vocals (the singer that recorded two songs with them before getting the boot for Bon...thank god!) :lol:
nafnikufesin said:
AC/DC did and then some...they only got bigger. But then again, they didn't really have a choice, did they?

On the other hand, what if AC/DC did a reunion with Dale Evans on vocals (the singer that recorded two songs with them before getting the boot for Bon...thank god!) :lol:

Well, allow me clarify: What I meant was that Van Halen was the only band that was able to maintain (or increase) their popularity with a new singer, when the old singer didn't DIE. Lynyrd Skynyrd has chugged along, and so has AC/DC. I can't think of anybody else, unless you consider Audioslave to be RATM with a new singer (which I don't...that's really a new band with a new sound, and is much more collaborative.)

Good point though. There are exceptions to the rule, but it is RARE indeed.
I would be all FOR a Faith no More reunion but like Mr. Hamster said " There is not a snowballs chance in hell that it will happen." I would be just as happy with Mr. Bungle getting back together to release a new album and a tour.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
I would be all FOR a Faith no More reunion but like Mr. Hamster said " There is not a snowballs chance in hell that it will happen." I would be just as happy with Mr. Bungle getting back together to release a new album and a tour.

Yeah, but who here, would have ever seen a Anthrax reunion tour, esp after them relaeasing Go2E? ANd Scott saying how much he loved to hear John's voice on the Old Shit.. This doesn't make any sense what so ever.
Well they should at least be honest to their fans and admit they jumped the reunion bandwagon for cash. Anthrax fans are not idiots-with few exceptions, of course.
Rozy157 said:
Well, allow me clarify: What I meant was that Van Halen was the only band that was able to maintain (or increase) their popularity with a new singer, when the old singer didn't DIE. Lynyrd Skynyrd has chugged along, and so has AC/DC. I can't think of anybody else, unless you consider Audioslave to be RATM with a new singer (which I don't...that's really a new band with a new sound, and is much more collaborative.)

Good point though. There are exceptions to the rule, but it is RARE indeed.

Speaking of Audioslave, I've always considered Anthrax when John Bush joined a new band and they became much more collaborative. I know the name Anthrax belongs to Charlie and Scott and have every right to keep it. But back in 93, I always thought Anthrax should consider changing their name because they changed their sound/image/lead singer. I'm glad they didn't though, but who knows what could have happened with them if they had. They would have broken up long ago if Joey would have stayed in the band that's for sure. Back when I was a kid, hardly no one is my school liked Anthrax. They blamed it on their singer which was Joey at the time. I stood up for them and rocked my Anthrax tshirts all the time anyway. When SOWN came out, no one in my school liked metal anymore. The only time I ever saw metalheads were at shows and whenever I'd bring up the topic of Anthrax, it was 80% Bush lovers 20% Joey lovers.

Oh well. We'll see how this all plays out. Bands can't make every fan happy. It's impossible. I know this.