Ocean Way Studios - Gear Porn


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
So - I've been researching Ocean Way Drums since there is a group buy going on for some of there content currently. Well not to belabor that point any more than I have already, but in my research I've been watching the videos over at http://www.oceanwaydrums.net/videos.php and I have to be honest - it is like watching porn.

Those rooms, the mics, the consoles, the gear... Damn that's a cool ass place. If I ever go to Hollywood I want to tour that place (not likely), but a man can dream.


Ok, now to turn off the lights and.... well never mind.
Those videos made me feel so small and insignificant

I downloaded some demo medley mp3 and the cymbals are kinda fake which ruins it for me.
Oh, just relax guys. Its not for real. The videos with this studio are actually the deleted scenes from 2012 movie.
I want a bedroom that looks like this:


Or maybe a living room like this:


And maybe a dining room like this:


I'd be a happy man. Wait.... I am a happy man, I'd just be happier :Smug:
break in, loooot the half of it, nobody notice

By the looks of it you would need several tractor trailer trucks to even get half of the equipment. No stealth options available. Hell it would take hours and hours just to disconnect the cabling.

I really think the cost or value of that equipment must be unfathomable. Allen Sides notes in one of the videos that he has bought over 1000 mics over the years - that alone has to be an incredible amount of money.

He also talks about the custom consoles in one of the videos - I really would love to take a tour of that place. It's one of those sort of holy places of recording - like a cathedral to the god of audio engineering. In the name of the preamp, the console, and the holy mic. Ah men.
I think this is in order:
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Ocean Way now makes the speakers shown in this picture - known as the Ocean Way Impact Monitor System at GCPro.com - they can be all yours for about $38,000.00 - pocket change :)

actually that studio has gone broke and been sold off 2-3 times in the last decade...

yeah while allen sides is rich guy, it has almost nothing to do with that studio!

A place with that much vintage gear must have an insanely high maintnance bill, and being as it's on sunset I'm sure the lease/rent and property taxes are through the roof.

Having said that it's probably the best studio in the world (or at least most well known).
I've often read that vintage analog stuff is really high-maintenance, but why exactly is that? Is it all really that prone to breaking all the time? I mean, it's not like there are any moving parts in most of these things (besides the vU needles), right?

And yeah, those pics are far beyond anything that I thought existed in this world to be honest :lol: (in terms of sheer scale)
And yeah, those pics are far beyond anything that I thought existed in this world to be honest :lol: (in terms of sheer scale)

That's my thought exactly - I was sort of set back looking at them. Can you imagine the learning curve going into that place. say you were hired as an intern - just learning the location of every unit.
I mean really - can you imagine the upkeep on this?

I've often read that vintage analog stuff is really high-maintenance, but why exactly is that? Is it all really that prone to breaking all the time? I mean, it's not like there are any moving parts in most of these things (besides the vU needles), right?

And yeah, those pics are far beyond anything that I thought existed in this world to be honest :lol: (in terms of sheer scale)

At the college I'm going to there's a tonne of analogue gear and yes, it breaks all the time - the desks especially, usually the patch bay on the desks goes first and you'll get channels bleeding into each other because the connections are bad, but yes they're very sensitive, I couldn't explain to you exactly why they're all so unreliable but they are (one would imagine mainly to do with age on some of these things)

Quick anecdote: recently the whole college unit decided to step down the whole voltage coming in from 240v to 220v (or something similar I was told - not much of an electrician so what I'm saying may be grossly inaccurate, but it was in some futile attempt to save money) without realising that these desks are that sensitive that running less power through them can absolutely knacker them as they try to draw more out, so now the college has botched every analogue MTA desk in the place in an attempt to save money - these desks were worth about ten grand a piece. :lol:

Edit: 30k apparently: http://cgi.ebay.com/TRIDENT-MTA-SER...ItemQQimsxZ20091120?IMSfp=TL091120195002r3162
I've often read that vintage analog stuff is really high-maintenance, but why exactly is that? Is it all really that prone to breaking all the time? I mean, it's not like there are any moving parts in most of these things (besides the vU needles), right?

And yeah, those pics are far beyond anything that I thought existed in this world to be honest :lol: (in terms of sheer scale)

Point-to-point = unstable
Analog knobs and sliders actually interfere with the audio-signal, so when they get old/worn out they start to make noises etc.

There is allot of things that can go wrong in analog gear.. so yeah.
Its like: Why does a tubeamp need service more often then a simulation? :lol: