October Tide.


I bleed sir, but not killed
Jul 6, 2001

Has anyone heard anything about a new recording or plans for a recording, at all?

I'm listening to 'Grey Dawn' now, and it's pretty fucking good, to be honest. I only take it out on special occasions, and because I don't have to go to work tomorrow (Australian holiday) it's getting a run.

But I'd love to know if there's anything to anticipate as far as up and coming releases are concerned.

Anyone got any information?
I think that Jonas said that October Tide is dead, so it's very unlikely that they will do another album...
"October Tide is dead and buried." - J. Renkse

They (Fr. and J.) want to focus on Katatonia. Perhaps 'We Must Bury You' is dedicated to OT, who knows :loco:
Originally posted by my dying groom
"October Tide is dead and buried." - J. Renkse


But good that they want to focus on Katatonia. Hopefully it means quality and quantity on that front!!
Originally posted by Alucard
Where on the net can I order Grey Dawn??? I heard all the downloadable tracks on mp3.com and I like what I hear.
I'd been looking for the album for quite a while, I tried Avant Garde and they said it's sold out, but the next day I got another e-mail saying he'd found some "rare" Russian pressing of Grey Dawn lying around, I received it last Monday, great album, really cool old Paradise Lost atmospheres. Really like Marten Hansen's vocals too.

But then right after I ordered that CD I found out that a Dutch mailorder actually has Grey Dawn digipaks available for just 8 Euro's... They even have Rain Without End. If you're interested go to www.coldbloodindustries.com.
Originally posted by requiem
Geez, where the hell did you pull this thread from? It's been gone for ages! :cool:
Yeah, I just went to the last page and searched from there, it was like on the second or third last page. I knew there was an October Tide thread and I wanted to say something about Grey Dawn and didn't want to start a new thread, so I just retrieved this one!
Originally posted by the_joy_of_grief
Not bad! Anybody have an idea of how many copies were made?
Well, it's in their mailorder list, I didn't ask them how many copies they had or if they even have it in stock at all. Don't know how many were pressed either, I have a copy but it doesn't say a number of pressed copies anywhere. It's a good album anyway!