odd and depressing thought


May 2, 2005
So I'm out running this morning (in the friggen cold) and I got to thinking about how Scott had said that the reunion HAD to happen to keep the band going. He made it seem like it was something he didn't want to do but HAD to. Then it clicked with me that as a kid I looked at rock stars like they were so above the 9 to 5 bs. Like their lives were this nonstop party of rebelion and freedom. I guess I never really out grew that view.

So I guess it's pretty easy for me to say that even if they sell more records with Joey it doesn't make those records better. (I mean realy, if quanity sold was a mark of quality McDonalds would have the greatest burgers in the world.) Instead I'm just going to wish them luck.

Also I've been listening to the Trivium CD nonstop for like 5 days.
whitey131 said:
So I'm out running this morning (in the friggen cold) and I got to thinking about how Scott had said that the reunion HAD to happen to keep the band going. He made it seem like it was something he didn't want to do but HAD to. Then it clicked with me that as a kid I looked at rock stars like they were so above the 9 to 5 bs. Like their lives were this nonstop party of rebelion and freedom. I guess I never really out grew that view.

So I guess it's pretty easy for me to say that even if they sell more records with Joey it doesn't make those records better. (I mean realy, if quanity sold was a mark of quality McDonalds would have the greatest burgers in the world.) Instead I'm just going to wish them luck.

Also I've been listening to the Trivium CD nonstop for like 5 days.
Stop, your making me cry!:waah: But seriously, I'm sure there are much worse ways to make a living than being in a band. I get up at 3:30 every morning and drive 45 miles through heavy traffic to do a job I HATE!!! When you look at it like that, it's kind of hard to feel sorry for people who make music and live their dreams on a daily basis. I'm not saying what they do is easy, if it were everyone would do it, I'm just saying that I can't feel bad over this kind of thing. Besides, if it really was as bad as all that, then why would they bother? Just move on. I don't think Scott Ian is sitting around feeling sorry for himself and we shouldn't feel sorry for him either.
And by the way...who says McDonald's DOESN'T have the greatest burgers in the world???:goggly:
I don't think a new Anthrax album with Joey will sell any more copies than WCFYA did. I think it has much more to do with the market.
I said something along these lines a while ago. I also went on to mention how the band seamed to be in a situation where if they didnt do this reunion, they were in danger of losing everything. The band name, rights to back catalogue, there living, EVERYTHING.
B13 answered by sayin basicaly everything above was true.
We all answer to someone if we want to make money. We all have a boss, even if your in a band.