Odd reamping latency problem


Jan 12, 2009
Stockholm, Sweden
Hi everyone, I encountered a strange issue when reamping last night and I can't figure out why the results are what they are.

I have my axe fx set up as my soundcard so this is the only "outboard gear" in the chain. I'm recording in logic 9. Software monitoring was also off I should mention.

The issue is this that it seems that having a higher I/O Buffer size in logic will actually reamp with less lag than a low I/O buffer size and I'm not understanding why. Look at the picture below:


In it I have two tracks, they are essentially just the built in metronome of logic going through the axe fx and reamped into a reg. audio track. The lower of the two has the first hit closer to the beginning of the waveform than the top and yet the top one was reamped with the I/O buffer set to 32 and the lower 1024. Shouldn't that mean that with a lower roundtrip latency that the lower one should be behind the top one or am I not understanding this properly?

I'm sure it's some sort of user-error or me not understanding the concepts of this but I'd love to know why these results are this way.

Thanks for any input :)

Looks to me like your DAW is off on it's latency compensation.

I had issues when (finally) running through outboard gear and back into Reaper and I think I had to slap a stock plugin on the track that would send a "blip" and auto-compensate the latency.

But yeah, with the 1024 buffer setting, that second wave should be falling after the first one.
I kind of got it working better now by setting the axe-fx's buffer setting from 1024 to 64. That and combined with putting the recording delay compensation to something like 51 samples forward makes the new waveform almost cancel out the DI one when phase-flipped so that makes it work for now.

Thanks for your input :)
Make sure Plugin latency compensation is set to audio and software instrument tracks or logic will compensate for bus effects. (preferences>Audio>general)
If you have this set to "all" any time other than mixing, you will encounter this sort of problem if you have latency inducing effects on busses or master.
Also check that recording delay is set to zero in Preferences>audio>devices.