Hi everyone, I encountered a strange issue when reamping last night and I can't figure out why the results are what they are.
I have my axe fx set up as my soundcard so this is the only "outboard gear" in the chain. I'm recording in logic 9. Software monitoring was also off I should mention.
The issue is this that it seems that having a higher I/O Buffer size in logic will actually reamp with less lag than a low I/O buffer size and I'm not understanding why. Look at the picture below:
In it I have two tracks, they are essentially just the built in metronome of logic going through the axe fx and reamped into a reg. audio track. The lower of the two has the first hit closer to the beginning of the waveform than the top and yet the top one was reamped with the I/O buffer set to 32 and the lower 1024. Shouldn't that mean that with a lower roundtrip latency that the lower one should be behind the top one or am I not understanding this properly?
I'm sure it's some sort of user-error or me not understanding the concepts of this but I'd love to know why these results are this way.
Thanks for any input
I have my axe fx set up as my soundcard so this is the only "outboard gear" in the chain. I'm recording in logic 9. Software monitoring was also off I should mention.
The issue is this that it seems that having a higher I/O Buffer size in logic will actually reamp with less lag than a low I/O buffer size and I'm not understanding why. Look at the picture below:

In it I have two tracks, they are essentially just the built in metronome of logic going through the axe fx and reamped into a reg. audio track. The lower of the two has the first hit closer to the beginning of the waveform than the top and yet the top one was reamped with the I/O buffer set to 32 and the lower 1024. Shouldn't that mean that with a lower roundtrip latency that the lower one should be behind the top one or am I not understanding this properly?
I'm sure it's some sort of user-error or me not understanding the concepts of this but I'd love to know why these results are this way.
Thanks for any input
