Odd signal issue


resonant manipulator
Oct 22, 2007
Culver City
Was jamming today on bias desktop with everything set up how i like it. Halfway through playing i realized the low end of the guitar and the gain were tapering off. So far i have replaced the pickups' battery, made sure there were no shorting cables, made sure my tubescreamer wasnt faulty, changed inputs on my 002r. I cant seem to figure out what went wrong. I was in the middle of playing, so i didnt change any patameters. The signal went from raging carnage to grunge era neil young lol. Upping the input gain on the interface or plugin creates more drive, but the tone is anemic now. Any ideas?

Ps, dont know if it applies but ive been with out internet all day, dont know if bias does screwy things if there is no connection.
So i figured it out late last night. Apparantly all this time my volume pot on the interface had been registering as if it was almost all the way open, and when it "fixed" itself it made everything suck. The reason for the tone problem was that i was clipping going in and hadnt realized it ( the volume on the interface was at zero). So i was trying to find a nonexistent problem. I got the tone almost exactly back where it was by putting a clipper in front of the sim and driving it like that. Usually you guys do this with a ts plugin, but i have a real one in my chain and figured i didnt need a virtual one. Anyone else clip or limit before sims?
How can you clip before amp sim, especially having TS already runing? TS is already working as super hard clipper on DI so signal is limited on recording DI (even with no drive you have broad dynamic range but with clipping point). Having that your signal just CAN'T clip into sim (even without TS your recorded DI is ALWAYS bellow clipping point. If it clips than only on interface input making impossible to go above 0db in DAW.
Yes, but in a physical amp you can crank the volume of the ts into the input and a tube sort of compresses/clips it into a more balanced signal. Going into the interface it is less controlled, so im using the clipper to replicate that...at least thats my understand of what is happening. All i know is that without it my tone sounds weak and treble heavy with the same settings that were fine before