Odin's Court, Brave, and King's X! Fri, Apr. 30th


Sep 26, 2003
I posted this in the old forum, but it seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur. So.....

Many of you saw us and enjoyed us with Division at the Helloween show. In case you'd like to catch us again, Odin's Court has been given a great opportunity to open for legendary Prog band King's X at Jaxx in Springfield, VA! Also appearing on the bill is one of the DC/VA/MD's areas best and unique bands: BRAVE!

We are asking for everyone's support on this one by buying tickets for the show through us. They are $20 through us as opposed to $25 from Ticketmaster. You may buy them with PayPal or credit card on our website, or email about getting tickets to the following address: matt@odinscourtband.com. Your support is needed and would be most appreciated! :D

The event is on April 30th. Doors open at 7, the first band goes on at 7:15. So please come out and show Odin's Court and BRAVE your support. :)

Thanks, and Metal on!
- Matt
Odin's Court

P.S. Division guys - last I checked with you, you had nothing sceduled for April 30th. If that has changed, feel free to delete this. I don't want to impose on you promoting for shows.

2 weeks until show time. This should be a great gig.

Get your tickets from me (see weblink below or email: matt @ odinscourtband . com), and all the guys from Division who are at the show will sign your butt. Or breast. Or toe. Whatever your pleasure. Just see one of the guys in Division for more details. :p
We'll sign just about anything...

This reminds me of a great story. Back in WASP's mid-eighties heyday, when Blackie used to throw raw meat into the audience, one kid came up to him after the show with a piece of it, and presents it to him.

"What am I supposed to do with that?"
"I dunno - sign it or something?"
"SIGN IT? It's raw meat!"
Odin's Court is an amazing band and I've always been a big fan of the Division CD I own (Paradise Lost). I recently contacted Nick and if their label agrees I'll gladly cover their new one.

Matt, by the way, the new ZOR issue just came out. The Odin's Court article will be on the new one :). Good luck in the show!
thanks for the kind words everyone. I've seen King's X everywhere from DC to Vancouver, and I'm looking forward to seeing them again. Oh, Odin's Court is playing too? Wow, bonus. heh.