Odin's Court, Divison and Sonata Arctica 4/13

Thanks all to those who showed up to see us and the other bands last night! There was a lot of energy in the room, and I think all four bands played at their best. I can't wait to see the video, hehe.
NickDivision said:
Hey guys, just wanted to drop in and tell you I really liked your set last night. It's the first time I've caught the band with Rick playing and I love the two guitar sound, it really adds some power live.

Great hanging with you, talk to ya sooner rather than later I hope!
Thanks Nick! I appreciate all the kind words. Maybe I'm a bit biased, but I have to say that I really enjoy the two guitar sound more as well! :)

I also thought you guys played very well last night. Kudos to Matt for playing as sick as he was last night too. You couldn't tell from his playing. Gemini kicked ass! The new stuff definitely showcases your vocal talent better!

Wasn't that an awesome f**king crowd??
ELPsteel said:
Thanks all to those who showed up to see us and the other bands last night! There was a lot of energy in the room, and I think all four bands played at their best. I can't wait to see the video, hehe.

Yes, thank you, thank, thank you! Totally agreed -- that was an incredible crowd! It was great to see the response that metal is getting in the US again! I can't wait either! I ned to make more room on my hard drive! Aggghhhhhh!!!!!
This is my first post on this forum.

Last week's show was great! I loved all three opening bands as well as SA. I already wrote a show report and it's available on our company forum here

Jaxx is about 3 hours away from where we live, so we can't go to as many shows as we'd like, but we're making the trip to see Hammerfall and Edguy in August. Will Odin's Court be opening for them?
ch41nbr8kr said:
This is my first post on this forum.

Last week's show was great! I loved all three opening bands as well as SA. I already wrote a show report and it's available on our company forum here

Jaxx is about 3 hours away from where we live, so we can't go to as many shows as we'd like, but we're making the trip to see Hammerfall and Edguy in August. Will Odin's Court be opening for them?
Hey Max!

Thanks for stopping by!

That's a great question, I'm not sure if we got that show or not. Maybe Matt can shed some light on that! If we are, I know that we'd all appreciate it very much if you got your tickets from us! Not only will you save money from TicketMaster charges, but you also help support the local scene when you purchase tickets from the opening bands!

Also, it was nice meeting you and Karen in person at the show!
Ahola7451 said:
:wave: Wow - beautiful pictures!!

I almost feel like I was there - and I so really wanted to be! I was there in spirit though..

Thanks so much!!

Thanks Pam! I'm really glad you stopped by :) Yeah, Antipopular got some really great shots! Of course, this guy is a die-hard and was camped next to the stage the entire night! :worship: He pulled a Rick! We also got some shots ourselves, but his were nice and close-up!

I know you wanted to be there. I wish you could've been too! Are you planning on going to that festival in Boston to catch their set?

I know I still owe you an email...

Take care!
Rick Pierpont said:
Thanks Pam! I'm really glad you stopped by :) Yeah, Antipopular got some really great shots! Of course, this guy is a die-hard and was camped next to the stage the entire night! :worship: He pulled a Rick! We also got some shots ourselves, but his were nice and close-up!

I know you wanted to be there. I wish you could've been too! Are you planning on going to that festival in Boston to catch their set?

I know I still owe you an email...

Take care!

heh..Yeah.. Glad you enjoyed those pics; And from now on whenever I get to a concert very early, i'll say i'm "pulling a Rick" :grin: :rock:
antipopular said:
heh..Yeah.. Glad you enjoyed those pics; And from now on whenever I get to a concert very early, i'll say i'm "pulling a Rick" :grin: :rock:
Yeah, you did get some cool shots!

Hahahaha!! The getting there part isn't "pulling a Rick," the being next to the stage is! :rock: And for that, you did a GREAT job!!

I'm even well known on the SyX list (TEOF) to be at the front for groups I like! I had people on a waiting list to be at the front with me when Pain of Salvation played ProgPower the last time :grin: JayDub was NOT one of them.
J-Dubya 777 said:
Bet your ass I was NOWHERE near PoS.......
I'd rather have my nuts tied to a cinder block, dropped from the roof of the Granada...
Yeah, but that was because your were jamming toothpicks in your pee hole!

But what people don't understand, is that you have a weird fetish that includes are sorts of self-inflicted injuries in regards to your genitals. Hell, you are even always going around saying that you'd rather masturbate with a handful of broken glass... :Puke:

Once again, Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoyed the message on your answering machine last night! The dangers of me driving home and having a clear signal all the way!!! :grin: