Off on hols

Nah not yet, but we're hoping to go to Tsavo national park for a day trip in a few days. There are lions there, but it just depends on whether any emerge...

We're in Mombasa now, which is pretty cool.
Hahaha unfortunately not. It costs a fair shitload to go and do a walk there, so we'll have to save that for another trip when we've got more time and money. :)
Fuck me it's quiet on the board, so I'm gonna post on this thread again. Where's everyone gone?! I've been offline for a week, but hardly anyone's posted in the meantime.

In England now, Doncaster to be exact. Yay for South Yorkshire. Went down to Sheffield, home of Brucey, yesterday. Was in London for a couple of days. London rules.

In Kenya we got bogged in one spot for five hours, which was fucked. Bloody African roads. Then a few days later our midnight bus to Nairobi didn't arrive, so at 3am we hitched a lift in a truck and spent all night on it. The joys of travelling....

Went on a day safari and saw 3 REAL LIVE WILD LIONS. :rock:
London rocks, as does England. I wish I could stay here, and am planning on moving here at some stage in the next couple of years. For one thing, the beer's much cheaper here.
Well I suppose I'll put in an update up here, on the off chance that someone cares enough to read it!

After Doncaster we went up to stay with my Dad's cousin near Liverpool. There we went to watch Everton and went on a tour of the ground. Excellent. We also went into the city and down to Chester, which was very nice.

After that we went up to Edinburgh to stay with a mate from primary school. Up there I learned that drugs and weird films don't always mix. Lovely city though. It snowed one day.

Then we went back down to London and stayed with another cousin. On my birthday we went to see We Will Rock You, which was just fucking excellent. I loved it, and would like to see it again. Obviously I'd recommend it to anyone else who gets the chance to go.

Now we're in Prague. Our flight was delayed by a few hours due to snow at this end, but we got here eventually. There's an absolute shitload of snow here, and it snows on and off during the day. It's a beautiful city.
Prague's great. When did you go here, Spiff? A couple of years ago on that tour you did?

It seemed to take the lead guy's voice a little while to warm up, but once it did so he was pretty good. Has Bev seen it? (stupid question perhaps)
I went there on the tour I did.

I didn't like the lead guy's singing voice or the lead girl's acting voice but I got used to it.

Yeah, me, Mark and Bev all went.
Those tours have a lot to be said for them. They enable you to see a lot of places when you haven't got a lot of time.

I didn't like her acting voice either, but I thought her singing voice was really good. Hers was a lot better and stronger than his. I liked the black guy and the older guy. Where did you sit?
Were you staying in a middle class part of it perhaps? The middle class suburbs in cities like that can be quite civilised. :)
It was more of a business district. There weren't nay nice homes or anything like that. That's not to say that there were no homes there, only they were packed 3 deep between the road and the fences of the hotels.
I havenae posted here for a while, so time for an update, just because I feel like it.

After I last posted we went to Delhi, then up to Kashmir for five days. Went hiking in the Himalayan snow, which was cool. Had to stop when it was up to our knees.

Then went on a tour of Rajasthan, out in the desert near the Pakistan border. Went on an overnight 'camel safari', which was also cool. Saw loads of forts and palaces. On our last day we went to the Taj Mahal. Very nice indeed.

Now we're in Bangkok, and lovin' it. Tonight's our sixth night here. We're heading south tomorrow.