Off to Thessaloniki for bougatsa*FOOD*


Sleeping With Ghosts
Jun 11, 2002
Hello kids.this is a totally useless topic,but its ok,hehe!!!!
finally the fucken exams are over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i cant believe it!!!!!!!!!tomorrow im off to Thessaloniki cos i cant take it no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bougatsa and greek food for ever and ever!
Ok haha,the somnium girl has had a bit too much lemonade:eek:
oh well,ill be off for a couple of weeks and that,so take care all of you,i know youll miss my rubbissh posts!!!:mad:

haha I knew a girl called bambrick so i called her bambprick..cos she was a dickhead much as you are??

She was'nt any relation was she?? :lol:
:( greek food :eek:
:cry: I really have to come over again... but I cant :cry:

Have fun in Thessaloniki. Solon will be ecstatic :loco: