Heya guys!

here i am again!im still in Thessaloniki,writting from a net cafe

eventually,i had lots more for food than bougatsa,haha.and rather much of alcohol*erm*and think its gonna affect my fat

may sound ridiculous,but the last months and especially now in my free time,i've been trying to do things just to cheer myself up.in other words i've been crossing a very selfish kinda year that had surprisingly good results tho...doing everything for me to feel good with myself and generally.i think its the best antidote when you are taken over by a nihilistic and negative mood
in general.i felt a lot better with myself and the "results" also stayed,externally meaning.double benefit :Smokin:
and what i understood is that when you give out positivity,positive things come to you as well.ok now,i sound like FUCKEN COSMOPOLITAN

enjoyed Soulfly and Psycho Choke(greek band) on the 28th and Lacuna Coil(boooring)with Tiamat(great!)on the 1st of march.
seems to me i've been away for so long,that now i cant keep up to date with this forum,haha!its the havoc that dear Sopel once mentioned
oh well.i think im staying for a week more here,at home,before i go to that awful village...erm...shitty-city im studying.
take care all