Off topic - Religion/personal beliefs

Beliefs are probably the most powerful of intangable items. People are willing to fight for them and over them. Whether it be on the street, in an occupational setting, or on an international scale.

With that being said, i'm going to put my ideas on the line and hope that all of you can be trusted to take what i say with a grain of salt and remeber that I'm just telling what i think; no aggression or violence intended.

I believe that something had to create all that we see, feel, and are. I believe that God in some form or another exists. I believe that Jesus guy had some good ideas.

I don't believe that i should devote any of my time, even if it is only one day a week, to sit in room and have some one else tell what to believe. I don't believe that Jesus was the son of a greater being. He was just a guy with some good ideas who was hung up like a piece of art and killed for telling everyone to be nice to each other. I don't believe that God watches and guides us through our lives. Every one makes their own decisions.

I'm also not a believer in any one religion. The Bible was just a historical account that was overglorified due to some writers and their over exaggerations of events.

Sorry that was more long winded than I intended. Hope you don't fall asleep because of it.
Alright, here's the deal. I'm an etheist. I don't believe in God. I do believe there might be some sort of higher 'something' that there is a spirtual world, that there might be an 'afterlife'. That things happen for a reason, but what that reason is, or what that order is, I'm f'd if I know. My girlfriend, however was raised in a small village and is a Reformed Christian. She's not that devout that she prays all day, but whenever we're in her home town with her family, she will attend church and prays for dinner. When I'm there, I ADDOPT. I respect her beliefs and her folks's beliefs and will, at certain instances/festivities like christmas, Easter and stuff go with her and attend church and sit through that whole song and dance, and sing the hymns with her. Why? because I respect her beliefs, even if I personally don't believe in it and hate sitting there through an hour's preach.

I do not, however, tolerate religion fucking up people's lives. I will not stand for her being told what to do and not to do by church, or her parents. Luckily, they don't try that and are pretty easy going on the whole. But as I said, I will adopt and respect beliefs as long as it doesn't govern me.

I think it's good to bring up these subjects and discuss about them, see what peoples point of views are.
The concept of time is not linear, there is no beginning and no end, its like a circle or sphere
the same goes for the universe, it has no bounds because its a gaint sphere that makes u go back to the start when u reach the end :D

oh that makes me believe that perhaps every possible choice u make in life, if u decide on something, there is anthor 'you' that decides the other choice at the same time

sorry im making nonsense here hehe
Divine Wings Of Tragedy said:
The concept of time is not linear, there is no beginning and no end, its like a circle or sphere
the same goes for the universe, it has no bounds because its a gaint sphere that makes u go back to the start when u reach the end :D

oh that makes me believe that perhaps every possible choice u make in life, if u decide on something, there is anthor 'you' that decides the other choice at the same time

sorry im making nonsense here hehe

That's a cool concept! Wonder what would happen if the two would meet?
legofarley said:
I don't believe that Jesus was the son of a greater being. He was just a guy with some good ideas who was hung up like a piece of art and killed for telling everyone to be nice to each other.

I just want to pop in and say something really quick about this:

Jesus was either:
1. Son of God
2. Greatest liar of all time.
3. Crazy lunatic.

I dont know how people who dont believe that he is the Son of God, still think that he was a "Good teacher". Sure, he gaves good morals to live by, but at the same time he was proclaming that he was GOD! You either believe he is who he said he is, or you believe he is a nutcase. There is no middle ground.

Divine Wings Of Tragedy said:
The concept of time is not linear, there is no beginning and no end, its like a circle or sphere
the same goes for the universe, it has no bounds because its a gaint sphere that makes u go back to the start when u reach the end :D

oh that makes me believe that perhaps every possible choice u make in life, if u decide on something, there is anthor 'you' that decides the other choice at the same time

sorry im making nonsense here hehe

This is a demagogy.
Grom Hellscream said:
The Religion is the result of displaying human primal fears - of death, of natural phenomena , and human fatigue of senseless hard life.

Religion is a crap. Any, even atheism. :)

I believe in nothing.
  1. Philosophy.
    1. An extreme form of skepticism that denies all existence.
    2. A doctrine holding that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated.
  2. Rejection of all distinctions in moral or religious value and a willingness to repudiate all previous theories of morality or religious belief.
:tickled: ;)
I am a christian, and my dad pastors the church of God that I go to. The cool thing about the Bible is that none of it can be provin wrong. The whole thing is one big history book, but also tells of the not so far away future.

I hope I don't get into a big argument like I did on the DT board. The moderaters ended up banning all religious topics lol. But if someone wants to debate, then I will. As long as we don't just start flaming each other. :grin:
And this is where flaming begins. All of the Atheists will say, "Prove it's true", and all of the Theists will say, "Prove it's not true"...

Let's keep this debate with people telling each other their beliefs, and try to stay away from Theist/Atheist bickering...
The Yngster said:
I can tell people I was abducted by aliens, you may not be able to prove it wrong but that doesn't mean it happened.

I see where you are coming from. But that doesn't apply to the Bible. There is endless proof everywhere you look of God's existance. You have to look a little harder to find the proof that the Bible is true. But it is there.

I agree that we should just stick to just saying what we believe and end it right there. I apologize. I could go all night prooving God's existance if I wanted to.

Done debating(for now).
Medusa's eyes said:
I'm a christian too, I thought I was the only one here :hypno: . I do believe in God and things, but I'm not that kind of person who goes to church every Sunday. I go to church sometimes, but in a different way, you know? :) for some personal reasons...

Cool! I was raised in church. When I got to my teen years, I started rebelling of course. I always believed in God, but I started questioned stuff like why Drinking and doings Drugs, and premarital sex are wrong. Things like that. It wasn't until I got into my Christian Rock band Way of Abel that I decided to stop drinking and all that other stuff and start trying to live a christian life. There is no way I was gonna try to lead a double life. Besides my music is much more important than just waisting it on something like getting high.
Religion offers answers to the questions science has yet to or cannot answer. They're all pretty much the same to me. I wish I could delude myself into being one of the faithful again because the world made a helluva lot more sense when I was a religious person. As it is now, I'm going to live out my life in a constant state of mental unrest trying to figure out why I'm here, how I got here, and where I'm going knowing full well these answers will never be revealed to me just as these answers have never and will never be revealed to anyone else. Fuck existence.
I see no problem debating something like this as long as it doesn't resort to flaming, which I don't think is going to happen. And Dream, can you give me one of the examples proving god's existence? I'm not trying to be rude or challenge you, I'm just interested :)
The Yngster said:
I see no problem debating something like this as long as it doesn't resort to flaming, which I don't think is going to happen. And Dream, can you give me one of the examples proving god's existence? I'm not trying to be rude or challenge you, I'm just interested :)

Cool man, I'm glad that you are interested. This will most likely not be hard evidence to you. It is to me at least. But I think the most obvious proof is in creation itself(I know you have probably heard this stuff before). Just take a look at the design of space, the earth and the rest of the planets all revolving around the sun. The earth just happens to be at the perfect angle and position for life to be able to survive. Look at our bodies and the bodies of every other living creature on earth. They are so detailed that I believe it is impossible that everything just happened by chance. It was strategicly designed by God (which everything is explained in the very beginning of Genesis). That is just part of it. I didn't really know that God existed until I was filled with his Holy Spirit. I know this probably sounds crazy to you, but I actually felt God come into my life. You see, I was at a youth convention. I was praying, and all of a sudden I started balling and crying out to Jesus. I don't cry either. I probably shouldn't have told you this story, cause you probably think I am insane right now lol. But seriously, what I felt is open to anyone that wants the same feeling and much more if they commit their life to God.
Anyways I have to go now.
Take it easy guys.

Hey BornOfFire whats up!!