Off Topic: The Family Guy Thread


That guy you're not
Jun 6, 2003
Denver, CO, U.S.
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Seeing as how most of the threads these days have been related to concerts, because Symphony X is touring and all, I thought it would nice to have something different. So here it is! The official Family Guy thread. This is where you can express your appreciation for the best TV show ever. Quotes, pictures, links, favorite episodes, whatever! I'll start.

I think one of my favorite moments in Family Guy is where Brian is in rehab and Peter decides to join. He's at the lunch hall and the chick that runs the place gets suspicious of him and asks him his name. In an attempt to make up a fake name, he tries to use the objects around him. He sees a pea on a plate, a woman crying, and then a Griffin flies by. "Uhh.. Pea.. uhh tear.. uh Griffin. PETER GRIFFIN." Oh man, that ruled.
I've always liked the part in the episode where they are at the Costco type store, and Stewie and Brian glue themselves together, then that part at the well where the midget fell down. Stewie looks down and says "It rubs the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again". That's fucking funnier than shit.
"Wish Upon a Weinstein is" is one of my favorite episodes. The only part I didn't like was the musical break in the middle, which is really the one thing in general I don't like about family guy.
Hey, Police, its quagmire... No no, its stuck in the window this time.

and To Live and Die in Dixie - just a great parody of southern lifestyles. ohman.

Family Guy > Simpsons, nuff said
wow, hard to pick a favorite epasode, man, greatest cartoon EVER to be made..

I like the time Peter does his version of Miss Sigon , and rips a huge one at the end...
Stewie in the womb: "I sprouted another finger today - I'm up to 11."

And when Peter knocked out the TV for everyone, and all the shows were running together. "Homicide: Life on Sesame Street". :)
Stewie is the awesomest baby ever. My favorite Stewie lines are:
Man in White: I want out of here!
Stewie: I'm sorry we're fresh out of that, all we have left is untimely death!

and of course... "Its not that I want to kill Louis, its just that... I dont want her to be alive anymore"

Oh Oh I just remember whats possibly my favorite overall Family Guy quote was Peter, "Ow... my pride"
actually it's "It's not that i want to "kill" lois... it's just... i want her not to be alive... anymore"

charis, i don't think you would appreciate it... i really think much of the humor is pretty much american centralized. other than that, it's awesome.
I'm going to have to disagree with Robbm. I don't think "Family Guy" is the best cartoon ever made. It is the best TV show ever made. Hands down. I used to be a huge Simpsons fan, and watched the show religiouosly for 10 years, until Futurama came out. It seems all the best writers jumped the Simpsons ship and went there, because Simpsons began sucking wet farts. Futurama was great, and it replaced the Simpsons on my VCR program, and then I discovered FG. OMG.

Stewie is the greatest character in the history of television, followed closely by Quagmire. I don't want to get started quoting the show, or we'll be here all night. I'll just stick with one Quag quote:

Quagmire is supposed to be "distracting" the social worker while Peter and the gang steal Stewie back from foster parents ("Love Thy Trophy" episode). Quick cut to Quagmire's bedroom with the social worker basking in the afterglow alone in his bed:
"Glen, honey, I have a question for you: What do you do for a living?"
(Quagmire comes in with a drink)"I got a question for you. Why are you still here?"


If you have never seen the show, go out and buy the DVD sets, even before ever seeing them. Best 30 bucks you will ever spend.
