Off topic - The Host


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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I have a pretty discerning taste where movies are concerned, hell, I'm a snob to be frank about it (kinda). Anyway, that preamble is just to say that I don't often tell lots of people, "Dude, you gotta see this...." but, well, you gotta see this.

In the San Francisco papers of late have been several reviews of "The Host," a Korean monster movie. The setup is that a bunch of chemicals are dumped into a river, blah blah blah...and then a mutation occurs on a tadpole (or some damned thing), and chaos ensues. The special effects are done by the folks who did The Lord of the Rings...but also some other companies were involved of which I forget the names - but equally high pedigrees. So, without any more explanation, The Host is maybe the best "monster," movie I have ever seen. It is at once funny, scary, full of adventure, and a heart string tugger. It's currently playing in theaters here in the Bay Area, but is also availlable (here anyway) at a fairly savvy local video store that purchased the Korean import.

So, The Host! A VERY cool, very well done, holistic experience of a movie. It is easily one of the best movies I've seen in a few years (and it has a monster, so that makes it metal...haha).

Anybody else seen this yet?