Offical Non-Chatting thread!

Originally posted by sexualist death
bouuu, i just back from "lord of the rings"

this is my thought...
the movie is not something at all, very boring very troublesome. my only impression from this movie was the effects... i think it's really nice effects
but i dont want to remember the movie because the effects and the rest not.
nothing make me sad nothig make me cry nothing make me laugh nothing excite me in this movie
so much expected...
you can't see much act from the actor because most of the movie is the effects
i dont like it.
my only remember from this movie is the effects, in more few months will be another movie with effects and i will forget what is this "lord of the rings" .

this is what i think about the movie...
the effects steal the show.
It is 9:16 pm. And I don't think it will work today.:( My drums are too far away to record right now and my microphone is junk. I will get my dad to help later, though:)