Offical Non-Chatting thread!

bling bling? And what's that supposed to mean? I know this is a thread not to chat be what you said is just to much, it doesn't even have anything to do with chatting, or has it?
Ah well, you started it, so you should know bet, but I don't know anymore.
aaaarrggghhh. Run awaaaayyyy.
Uh....its 8:00am here on a Saturday...I woke up WAY too early, but I was having this dream....I was riding my horse (odd, I never do that) and a snake bit it and it fell out from under me and died...then the snake chased me but it was faster. It sprang through the air and bit me on the hand and I woke up real fast throwing my hand up.:cry: I want to go back to bed!:waah:

eat some popcorn and go back to bed then :grin:
this thread live with me, and i'm still alive :P
haha, sorry i dont know this word..
is it a new kind of chocolate???