but i dont want to be big i dont want to grow up
i want to be child i want my adolescence
i want to know how is it to live this adolescence
i will never get it and it's not fair
i want to be normal girl, i can give anything for adolescence
but it's just not logical
yes it's make mee sad, more 1 year of my live
and the childish that i never got start to be very far so it's make it not logical to get a childish it's just get far and far
Don't be sad, because even when you don't have burthday's you will get older(that's a fact of life) So I say, give a party and have fun. And come bring us a beer too
Until gentics finaly figures out how to use nanotechnology to rearrange the human g-nome to attack the aging cells to make us live forever, Were always gonna just get older. But we can still have fun dsamn it!!
All im sayin is that right now, Today, Locked inside this very moment, I can say that i am hopefull, Maybe even happy, And it brings a smile to my face when I think about it But it could always be worse, We could be chatting on UM For seinors, and all be like 80 or something
Tal, It only goes by fast if we keep thinking about it Instead think positive and of the many friends you have that will be happy that you are having a b-day, I know i can't wait to wish you a happy one
I have two compilation albums, One from the Rotting Christ album a dead poem, And another one i cant remember the name, Beauty in darkness vol 2 or 3 i think, But I love what i hear from them on there
I will hunt down some more on them So far everything i havent heard that you have recomended i really like alot!! Its kinda wierd because most people i know that are signed like we are or do alot of albums dont really listen to metal music, But im a die hard and love it all