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Yes. That's why i do it.:)

Nah...seriously(sp?) I really should quit, i have smoked for 15 years. I guess i don't have enough "inner strength" to do it. I have tried many times.

Any tip how to do it?
hyhy i dont care from my voice, but i need the breathing for the growl and i smoke a lot, so i dont think i will ever can keep the singing :)
anyway my band started to talk about shows
they already had shows but with the first soloist
i think i will jump from the roof today :)

i cant go up to the stage :flame:

and this is it
Yeah it's hard to explain. It becomes a natural part of your day, it's in the fuckin blood. When you drink coffee = smoke, beer = smoke, after a meal = smoke, waiting for the bus = smoke. I don't know if i even want to quit.
show=stage=musicians=a lot of people A LOT.. i am still the first growls soloist ( female ) here=death=death=death=death=death=death=death=death=death=death=death=death=death=death=death=death=death=death.
i will die on the stage :grin:
Nope, you'll love it belive me:lol: The First time I did a show, I couldnt do anything but just stand there and play, Really focused because i was so nervous, But that fades and you start to notice people getting into what your doing so you get freed up and more relaxed:) I love playing live:grin: