Official buying advice thread

No, the 15W model only has clean, crunch, metal, and insane settings. I really hate the crunch tone though, so it would have been great if they'd installed an overdrive tone instead :(

totally lame. anyways, i have a boss distortion and its ok. i dont use it often though. their overdrive is probably solid.
No, the 15W model only has clean, crunch, metal, and insane settings. I really hate the crunch tone though, so it would have been great if they'd installed an overdrive tone instead :(

Id go for something like a Maxon-od808, or a Ibanez Tube Screamer. mainly because they give a nice gain boost, and or some reason the maxon evens the EQ out.

My experience with Boss Distortion/overdrive pedals is limited, but I do have a modified DL-8 ( modified by Keeley) and that kicks alot of ass.

Please DO NOT get a Boss Metal zone or something, they fail.IMO
around 400: (coil taps rule)

if you plan on tuning down below C#, id get a 7 stringer. schecter and ibanez make good 7's as well. ive always liked the schecter C-7/007, but its a bit out of your price range. keep an eye out on ebay though

Sweet, thanks. Will research more on the Gryphon. Can't find too many reviews outside of MI's.
buying cheap gear is a bitter sweet idea. sure youre saving money on somthing you may not like. but alot of people will get discouraged if their bass is constantly falling out of tune and sounds like shit. buying a decent bass from the start will save some of the headaches.

Yeah, but how is someone going to know what is decent and what isn't if they are buying it for the first time?

I'd rather go the thrifty route and move up later.
You're bringing two of my different points together. The point about the stack was that paying a ridiculously high price like $800 just for a combo amp is stupid when you can get a cheap stack at the same price, or a better stack for about two to four hundred dollars more.

There are tons of decent combo amps for half the price of what he posted.

Just want to remark here.

Your advice is worthless. An $800 halfstack would sound like complete shit. A decent new halfstack will cost at least twice that much.

That said, there are better ways to spend $800 than on a combo amp. If what you want is a small practice amp, all you need is a $100 Microcube. If what you want is a professional amp, then theres no point in spending less than $1500 ( 6505 and Avatar 412 w/ V30s is the cheapest "good" metal stack ). There is really no point in getting anything in between. It'll either be too much for practice, or disappointing for live use.

Although I made a seperate thread recently about this but, any recomendations on a drum kit for roughly $600 - $700? It doesn't necassarily have to be a package since I don't mind mixing companies, and the music style would be black metal.
There are a lot of good kits in that price range. Yamaha Rydeens are a popular choice for a budget kit. Try to get fusion sizes, they are more convenient for placing and tuning.

Also, read up and learn how to tune your drum set! I have a cheap as fuck Starion kit, and with good tuning, it sounds good enough. Obviously not DW or Pearl quality, but good enough for live and even limited recording use.

Id go for something like a Maxon-od808, or a Ibanez Tube Screamer. mainly because they give a nice gain boost, and or some reason the maxon evens the EQ out.

My experience with Boss Distortion/overdrive pedals is limited, but I do have a modified DL-8 ( modified by Keeley) and that kicks alot of ass.

Please DO NOT get a Boss Metal zone or something, they fail.IMO

+1. To the advice seeker, remember that a lot of the tone on the Necrophagist solos is Muhammed's amazing technique. He runs the gain relatively low, has very precise technique, and it seems as though the action is higher than normal to allow for the fullness and thickness.
Your advice is worthless.

So this is part of your post, because I wasn't giving advice at all. I was simply remarking that I would never pay $800 just for a combo amp, and was illustrating that it's possible to get more for the same amount; I never spoke about quality. Besides, the kid that posted about that amp (Feathers and Flames) is only 14 and always posts links to stuff he won't get, which is annoying. I encourage kids to get into music and get decent stuff, but he always posts stuff like: "I want this, should I get this? I'm thinking about getting that, is this good?" etc.
So this is part of your post, because I wasn't giving advice at all. I was simply remarking that I would never pay $800 just for a combo amp, and was illustrating that it's possible to get more for the same amount; I never spoke about quality. Besides, the kid that posted about that amp (Feathers and Flames) is only 14 and always posts links to stuff he won't get, which is annoying. I encourage kids to get into music and get decent stuff, but he always posts stuff like: "I want this, should I get this? I'm thinking about getting that, is this good?" etc.

This amp must piss you off:


To get more for the same amount? More what? Weight? Speakers? Sheer size? Name recognition?
I think the best thing for you is to go down to your local music store and have a jam on some of the basses there, because at the end of the day its got have the tone, feel and design that YOU feel comfortable with.

Also look up some of the basses and equipment your favortie metal bands use :D Although they tend to be expensive you could consider getting a a cheaper bass from the same brand.

The nearest decent local store without insane prices for not so good instruments its about 4 hours from where I live, that's why I need the advice. Lets say may budget isn't very limited, want a descent 5 string which would sound fine playing some death and melodeath metal, maybe some Oi! or Old kickass punk. Just some details, I never use instruments like metal bands I like, most of times this are overpriced and more if they are signatures. Also believe me, I won't leave the bass I buy eve if it costs $50 until I play Only Ash Remains by Necrophagist even if it takes a fucking whole lot of time. :rofl:
Another question,Does having experience with guitar helps you play bass and vice versa or its just different?
The B.C. rich is for starters with low budget, you get a kinda crapy sound. The dean seems the best of those 3 and yeah, maybe a good used Ibanez would be much better than any of those.
The nearest decent local store without insane prices for not so good instruments its about 4 hours from where I live, that's why I need the advice. Lets say may budget isn't very limited, want a descent 5 string which would sound fine playing some death and melodeath metal, maybe some Oi! or Old kickass punk. Just some details, I never use instruments like metal bands I like, most of times this are overpriced and more if they are signatures. Also believe me, I won't leave the bass I buy eve if it costs $50 until I play Only Ash Remains by Necrophagist even if it takes a fucking whole lot of time. :rofl:
Another question,Does having experience with guitar helps you play bass and vice versa or its just different?

I order from zzounds when I buy equipment, good prices and they have a good refund/exchange policy--try it for 30 days and if you dont like it for any reason exchange it or get a refund

As far as bass/guitar experience the only thing that takes a little getting used to is the strings--I find when I play bass for awhile then switch back to guitar I pound the shit of of the strings for awhile
The nearest decent local store without insane prices for not so good instruments its about 4 hours from where I live, that's why I need the advice. Lets say may budget isn't very limited, want a descent 5 string which would sound fine playing some death and melodeath metal, maybe some Oi! or Old kickass punk. Just some details, I never use instruments like metal bands I like, most of times this are overpriced and more if they are signatures. Also believe me, I won't leave the bass I buy eve if it costs $50 until I play Only Ash Remains by Necrophagist even if it takes a fucking whole lot of time. :rofl:
Another question,Does having experience with guitar helps you play bass and vice versa or its just different?

a good, mid ranged, 5 string you say?

or how "not very limited" is your budget? cuz you could always go for one of these babies
Thanks genocide roach, the Conklin seems good. even though if its limited or not I'm not buying a $7000+ Instrument :rofl: Maybe if someday I get fucking pro and get the money but I'd prefer buying a Dean Rebel Razorback for $4000 or some kick ass SG.
Haha I love Necrophagist basslines! :kickass:

cholo11 said:
Another question,Does having experience with guitar helps you play bass and vice versa or its just different?
I have been playing bass for awhile and I don't have a guitar, but I can play guitar to an OK standard purely because I can apply some rules from bass on to it, so it could be handy but just bare in mind there are different techniques on both, so it depends what you want to play.

cholo11 said:
Btw, I have found this one
I have some doubts about it, is it good?
'This bass plays as good as it looks! When I tell people this bass is a KILLER AXE, I mean just that. The features are incredible and the sound is awesome. Just the look, in and of itself, says a lot....people really appeal to the wicked look. I am using the Trace Elliot 1048H {4x10} & 1518 {1x15} cabinets powered by the AH500-7 head. In my opinion, this earth shattering blend of guitar and amp cannot be beat. PERIOD!!!! My view of the above referenced product is absolutely AWESOME! That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
- Mark "GUNNER" Woodruff'

The specs look pretty good on that bass, it has a maple neck although I think they tend to bend out of shape a little quicker, a 35' scale which is fine considering its a five string, but if you have tiny hands such as myself you may want to hunt down a 5 string with a 34' scale. It has an Active EQ but some people prefer Passive so thats a personal call on whether that is good or not. The high frets look pretty accessible on that bass to which is a big thumbs up for me :D
OK, another thing. Can you get heavy distortion with ANY electric guitar? For example, can you play Cannibal Corpse riffs on any guitar as long as you set the distortion right with the amp?