Official buying advice thread

if this little kid isnt going to be playing shows at huge venues then why get a "cheap" half stack? why not get a little quality combo amp, after all practicing in the bedroom is much more convenient with a combo. also wtf kinda pos half stack you get for $800?

You're bringing two of my different points together. The point about the stack was that paying a ridiculously high price like $800 just for a combo amp is stupid when you can get a cheap stack at the same price, or a better stack for about two to four hundred dollars more.

There are tons of decent combo amps for half the price of what he posted.
heres some segestions.
ive played all these guitars and for your budget and style they seem like a good fit.

1. ltd ec-1000
- this is a good sounding easy to play guitar. looks and sounds buitiful. a bit heavy though.

2. ltd viper400
-simaler to the ec1000 a little more afordable and a slightly more vibrant tone.

3. JAckson ke3
- i own the pile-o-skulls version of this guitar. amazingly combfterble and easy to play. brilaint warm tone and amazing price. i would recomend bringing it to a shop and having them lower the action a bit.

4. Checter c1 clAssic
-buitufull and easy to play. shecter always gives you a good deal for the price.

5. Ibanez rg1570
-i personly love this guitar. plays super fast. already comes setup great by the factory and it has a killer tone. There are alot of great rg series out there also.

For an amp heres a great starter amp.
Roland cube30

Now remember this is just my opinion. all players like diffrent gear. i would go to a local guitar store near you and try to find what really suits you best. Best of luck.
Although I made a seperate thread recently about this but, any recomendations on a drum kit for roughly $600 - $700? It doesn't necassarily have to be a package since I don't mind mixing companies, and the music style would be black metal.

oh, well you'll need a black metal drum set then.......... :rolleyes:
get a Dean VX,great starter guitar that was 199.99 USD and you still have money for a practice amp,ive been playing off and on for over 20 years and i just bought the same Dean and was amazed at how well it played and sounds
plays almost as nice as my 1000.00 dollar neck thru guitar
i made the mistake of spending all my money on the guitar and getting a peice of shit amp. and i still havent upgraded it.

But as for the brand of guitar, ibanez would be a good starter. i used to love jacksons, but now i only play my B.C Rich warlock.
Thanks for all your suggestions. The BC Rich V shaped guitar looks real nice, I'll have to give this more thought.
For those that like wild shapes

this will always be my favorite

but honestly these are all stand up guitars. I wouldnt want any of them for sitting around practicing. A V would be just as annoying if not worse. A nice shaped metal S (strat style) like the RG's or Jacksons and other no name brands in the 300 - 400 range would be far more versitile. I'd rather have a better amp than guitar a least then you have decent sound. A decent guitar and shitty amp will still sound shitty.
what condition is it in? what did you pay for it? i'm not familiar with the guitar.

i will say the only guitar in your list to buy that is decent is the dean. bc rich bronze's are crap and the harley looks pretty weak too. any guitar that says "solid body" or "hardwood" and not the actual wood used is somthing to avoid. it means they use cheap wood and dont want to tell you.
I'm not surprised you never heard of it because it's a crap copy of a stratocaster. I paid about 170 euros for it and it's worse than Squiers i believe. The truth is it was bad when i originally bought it so it can't be in excelent condition. However i have played on even worse guitars than that so i'm interested in what do brand name cheap guitars offer.
yeah, you wont get much for that guitar. maybe 50 bucks at a garage sale.

id look at ibanez for a great inexspensive guitar. but deans are usually a good deal too
You won't get much at all for a used strat copy. Just save up your money on top of whatever you get for it until you can fund a better quality guitar/or one of the ones you genuinely want.

Remember man, you don't have to go buying a brand new guitar. For the money some of the low end axes go for new you can get a ripe used Ibanez off ebay.
Would this be a good amp for playing Prog, Funk and Metal?

if you dont mind line 6, then sure. bogner does design some cool amps, like the uberschall. but its still gonna have a big line 6 influence, and that bugs me.

but for a good combo that covers alot of ground and a lower price i would check this bad boy out:

mixed with the proper guitar you can get everything you want. and when i say proper guitar, i mean somthing with a single coil for funk and other stuff.

its not a performance rig (atleast nothing above solo stuff in a cafe), but its solid and versitile
Hear this and think about it well. Don't get a beast. Personally I fucking love how it looks but most of these have cheap wood and not so good pick ups. Bridges of these guitars aren't very good either. And besides this these are expensive. Maybe some good Ibanez, good guitar, low price. a friend just got one and it looks very good.
I just don't understand why all of the uber high quality super expensive basses are made in that general body style, it looks so dumb and ugly to me. Is it a trend or something? Probably.

I don't understand that either, there must be good basses with nice shapes. I just don't like that these look all the same and besides that the usual shape isn't very good. I know the shape is one of the less relevant things in an instrument but it has its part too. I'm not asking for some extreme looking thing with some damn strange and wicked look just something different and better.
now i only play my B.C Rich warlock.


Those things are sorta retarded. Decent for metal I guess...crap for anything else...look sorta cool from a distance, then when you get close they just look stupid. Uncomfortable to hold. Too pointy. Poser guitar. No offence...just, those things seem stupid.
I'd recommend a used Ibanez to cut down costs and still get a good starter axe. But as Sceloporus said don't bust it all on the guitar, buy a decent amp.
Pheonix is right.
My first guitar was a cheap RG model. Ibanez are a decent starter guitar, indeed.

If you want to do exactly what I did...
Get the cheap version of the RG series, then trade your Playstation 2 for your first amp. Make sure to not replace either one of them for two and a half years because you have no money.
Also, this way you spend more time playing guitar and less time playing video games... until you pick up a Game Boy Advance, which also a prime necessity to honing your guitar skills, and make sure you start playing Pokemon Red again and pick up Final Fantasy VI Advance when this happens. It helps to name your Pokemon and Final Fantasy characters after your favorite guitarists, for inspiration. Then cut back your guitar practice from over 20 hours a week to less than 10.

You should be shredding in no time.