Official buying advice thread

Wow nice budget for your first electric!
You might want to split it it 300 for a nice amp and 500 for a good guitar. What kind of body style do you want? Strat, v, Explorer, les Paul?
Hey, I'm a fan of the V shaped body - don't like round body style (no offence to anyone) :Puke:
I've been contemplating getting a drumkit as I just don't think using simulators is enough. I know very little about drums aside from the sound I want, and that I don't want to spend a lot (over $1000). I went to the local music store and asked about Ayotte because I like the very hollow sound of the snare, and they said that it's really hard to find around here but it's just a matter of tuning to get another snare to make a similar sound - I also found out online that Ayotte is pretty expensive.

I am not too worried about toms, so it would come down to picking out the following: cymbols, snare, hihat and bass. Obviously a double bass is crucial, and I am not sure I need more than three or four cymbols. For cymbols I was thinking something along the lines of: Crash ride, Bell ride, Chinese and a regular crash. My termonlogy isn't the greatest so hopefully I expressed the proper thing.

Any suggestions or advice? Ultimately the idea would be to get new recording equipment, like mics, new hardware and cables. After talking to a friend who is a sound tech. he said it could be done for roughly $1000, which was my highest budget anyways. Thanks in advance!
ok, here I go :D

I must say that I'm very happy with Sonor drums, as pecialy the bass drum sound. one advise, once you get a set, ask in the store to cut a hole on the fornt of the drum and put some styrofoam insite as well as some rubber padding, takes less space than pillows or blankets, and work much beter for double bass sound. aslo get DB stickers on the back of the drum for more click in the sound.

As for cymbols man, I can tell you one thing, Doesn't matter whats the price or make, you have to find a nice store for drums, preferably with a sound room so you can try out cymbols. It's all about personal prefference as well as the style of music you are planing to play. Also onse you get start getting more then 2 cymbols, bring your own to the store and try out with different new once. so at the end you have well balanced sounds out of the whole set of cymbols.
If you like V I've just bought a B.C. Rich Deluxe Jr. V and its damn good.
The problem of it is that it costs like 700 american dollars and you would have no money left for the amp.
just go to your local instrument-dealer and ask for help

if they recommend start play with acoustic isnt nescessery tough
i started playing electric and im fine with it

say you want to play metal they'll understand
if you listen to this dude the Ibanez RG very easy handling especially for beginners...and if you get advanced in guitar playing you can get better from the RG serie
Tube amps are always expensive. There are much better tube combos out there, plus they are incredibly loud; You'd probably get more bang for buck with finding something smaller. (unless you're playing huge venues, in which you'd probably want a half/stack)
I'm still trying to pick out the proper bass amp and I've been looking at a model by Line 6. Anybody have any experience with their amps or any other recommendations.

Kustom bass amps are cheap and has a great sound. See if you can find one, even a Vox amp is pretty good for price effectiveness and sound...
Would this be a good amp for playing Prog, Funk and Metal?

$800can is NOT too much for a decent 2-12 combo, i have played the spidervalve and that amp is actually pretty decent. i prefer an all tube amp(which pretty much start at $1000+)... but if funds are low im not sure that you will find a combo that sounds better, dont listen to people who post 1 line bs, make sure you go down and try out every combo in your local shop before you buy it never know what will catch you ear.
Would this be a good amp for playing Prog, Funk and Metal?

I've never played through that amp. I did play through an older Line6 2/12 combo at a few jams and it was a nice amp, would have had alot more if I took the time to figure it out but it wasnt mine and they were just jams. The one you are looking at has lots of features,---> "You can choose from 12 amp models and 7 Smart Control Effects. 36 user-programmable channels save your settings, or you can play through over 300 artist-created presets."<--- this explains the price and when something says 300 artist created presets you shouldnt be ignorant to ask questions like "can I play metal or can I play jazz". Tubes and Vin 30's are a plus. It is alot of money though but its also in the upper region of its class. 40 watts is nothing so dont listen to that crap, its just enough. Personally I wont play with a heavy drummer with anything less than 100w, you can play on 3 or 4 and have plenty of amp left and your not pressing the amp or speakers. Thing with this amp is you have enough power, effects unit, lots of tone variants, 2 Vin 30's, 2 12AX7 & 2 6L6's, there is good reason for the price. So its just a matter of if you like the overall sounds you can get dialed in. Go to store and try to find one and compare. Cheap is rarely better, next thing you know your out spending more money looking for a better sound.
$800can is NOT too much for a decent 2-12 combo, i have played the spidervalve and that amp is actually pretty decent. i prefer an all tube amp(which pretty much start at $1000+)... but if funds are low im not sure that you will find a combo that sounds better, dont listen to people who post 1 line bs, make sure you go down and try out every combo in your local shop before you buy it never know what will catch you ear.

You can get a cheap half-stack for that same price. This little kid isn't going to be playing shows in a huge venue anyway, he's 14. He's probably not even going to buy anything he inquires about.

And those are US dollars, not Canadian.
You can get a cheap half-stack for that same price. This little kid isn't going to be playing shows in a huge venue anyway, he's 14. He's probably not even going to buy anything he inquires about.

And those are US dollars, not Canadian.

True but the key word here was cheap, then it wont have the sound possibilities and certainly not tubes. Then thats far from a huge venue amp, even if you only practice with pounding drummers you need something with some ass. I had a darn nice amp when I was 14, it was a tubed 2-12 (Jensens) combo of around 40W. There was nothing compared to this amp in those times. It was used but considering inflation probably cost just as much. If you buy a cheaper amp, then a bunch of stomp boxes you have alot invested and still a mediocre sound.
if this little kid isnt going to be playing shows at huge venues then why get a "cheap" half stack? why not get a little quality combo amp, after all practicing in the bedroom is much more convenient with a combo. also wtf kinda pos half stack you get for $800?
Zweihänder: I figured so. The pedals seem to be decently priced but I imagine the bass drum itself would be expensive.

DawnWatch: Thanks for the tips. That is probably the wisest thing to do, and that's what it will probably come down to since I will put myself on a tight budget.

There are some really awsome looking kits out there, especially Tama's Warlord series but the snare alone seems to run from $500 to $1000. As long as the kit is black and gets the sound I want it should all be fine. The sound/style I am going for is black metal, although I am still not sure what sub-genre of black metal but I definitely know I want that hollow snare sound,loud cymbols and machine gun sounding double kick.
Although I made a seperate thread recently about this but, any recomendations on a drum kit for roughly $600 - $700? It doesn't necassarily have to be a package since I don't mind mixing companies, and the music style would be black metal.