Official buying advice thread

EDIT: Today I learned they said "Don't get an Ibanez" simply because "It's a metal guitar. Metal sucks".

So I fucked them off and they finally admitted Ibanez would be a good starter.

Here's the Models I'm looking at:

Ibanez RGR321EX

Ibanez RG321 MH

One is twenty quid cheaper. Any reason?

And budget is probably about £200-250.

Saw a 15-watt Marshall amp on that same site for about £50.

Marshall MG15CD 15 Watt Combo
fuck fender/squier. squiers are garbage, and fenders are over priced. plus the strat neck is beefier than an ibanez, which might make it hard to play.

and if tone is the argument, my ibanez also has 2 single coils, and they stand up against a strat really well. and the humbucker tone on the ibanez is way better than a strat

stick with ibanez.
People always forget to mention that. It's very important - some makers make great high end but crap low end, some vice versa, etc.
fuck budgets! buy the best!

i always ejoy the look on the guys face when i tell em i have no budget. its the "i'm getting a large commision check this month" look. i did that presidents day. spent 1800 at GC. good times

In Britain.

Looking for an electric guitar and good enough amp so that I can actually hear the notes :p
Was told to stay away from the kits because they suck balls.

So "kit" me out as it were.

Budget: Probably about £250-300.