Official buying advice thread

Avoid kits, they suck balls. Especially for metal.
Check out the Ibanez RG series. Also note that for $300 you won't be able to get a guitar + amp that will be any good. But RG's are your best bet.
That's sad.

What's so terrible about them? Such as any of the Ibanez packages? I can always upgrade later. I just need something to learn on.
They mostly consist of cheap strat knockoffs.
Guitars have extremely shoddy worksmanship and cheap materials. Amps supply very little gain and often pop and hiss when you turn up the volume.

I bought one thinking I just needed something to learn on. It's a miracle I didn't give up the instrument. It's really worth it to wait. A $300 guitar and $100 amp will do fine for learning.
Total price: $449
Worth the wait

If you insist on buying now, go for something like this:
But you won't be anywhere near as happy.
I'm so tempted to just buy a guitar and use my comp speakers for an amp for a bit... I've got an interface with 2 inputs... But I won't. Bad idea.

I suppose I could perhaps manage that first one. $20 cheaper if I get an RG321 instead. Doesn't look too shabby either. The DA5 has OK distortion that will last till I can buy a pedal?
cheap guitars, like the kind you find in a package, are poorly made. and poorly made guitars come with alot of problems. constantly falling out of tune, electronic problems, hardware falling apart...

all these problems often discourage new guitar players. buying somthing a little nicer, and better built, will save you all these headaches and you can spend more time playing instead of tuning or trying to identify the newest problem.
BMWG's setup looks nice. And affordable. I may even be able to spend a bit more on the guitar if I feel like it. Thanks guys.
BMWG's setup looks nice. And affordable. I may even be able to spend a bit more on the guitar if I feel like it. Thanks guys.
Thanks, I like it too :p

If I were to change anything though, I'd probably buy one of the larger amps from the same series, because of the additional tones and effects, and the convenience of having a built in tuner. Actually, I just wrote a review for it the day before this thread was created, but it hasn't appeared on the site yet because they revise every submission.

As for the guitar, it's extremely comfortable to play and sounds great. I also have a $1000+ Carvin DC 400 custom, but I think the ESP F-50 sounds just as good, is easier to play and stays in tune better. Thank God I bought the Carvin used and saved a few hundred dollars, haha. I'm probably going to eBay it at some point though, unless someone from here or the TabIt forums wants it first. Actually, the guy who sold it to me even said he was selling it because he didn't need it anymore because he bought an ESP :lol:
My friend got one of those amps, took it back after a couple days, said it was terrible. He was playing it with a Schecter C1, I believe...
4 switches?
The knobs are for volume and tone (you should know that, honestly)
What dimarzios? Makes a big difference. And also, are they stock or what?
4 switches?
The knobs are for volume and tone (you should know that, honestly)
What dimarzios? Makes a big difference. And also, are they stock or what?
I looked at the Carvin site and all of their guitars seem to have three switches and four knobs, but I can't find an explanation of what they're for. I knew one knob was volume and one was tone, but I still have no idea what the other stuff does.

I don't know what model the DiMarzios are. I just know they're active pick ups and they're a customization over what originally came with the guitar.
knobs are gonna be volume + tone for the different pickups, I think
by 3 switches, do you mean a three way switch, or 3 different switches.
Not stock pickups, then...
Does you have a picture of this guitar thou couldst post?