Official buying advice thread

hughes and kettner. though id get the 60 watt. i dunno if the speaker is smaller in the 15. probably is. the 60 watt has a 12 in it, and it sounds nice.

cheap marshalls sound like shit. i actually dont like marshalls period. bad clean tone and painfull on the high end when fully distorted
Damn, I need a new amp but I'm not spending 1500. o_o That's double the amount of my guitar cost. I need something for about $500 but I don't know if there is something good for that.
Damn, I need a new amp but I'm not spending 1500. o_o That's double the amount of my guitar cost. I need something for about $500 but I don't know if there is something good for that.

What do you need? If you just need something for practicing, the Roland Microcube sounds good enough and has enough effects to keep you busy for a while. If you want to play live or jam, do your audience/friends a favor and save up for something decent.
i am merging ALL threads asking for advice on buying gear to this thread. please use this thread from now on
......O.K. I have a question.....If I get a 7-strings...should I get a Shecter or a Ibanez.....and please, nobody say "Ibanez because I like them".......I want Pro/Cont....good and bad things about them.......
Thanks you

:kickass: "Quo Vadis"...awesome band :kickass:
hmmmm. the 2nd rhoads is the standard rhoads. alder is very popular and is used by many reputable companies. however i dislike floyd rose tremolos.

the first rhoads is cheaper, and uses a cheap body wood. but it is string through.

the king seems ideal. string through and alder body. i like the rhoads body better. but obviously i'm not the one buying it!

so it depends on what you want. feature wise, that rx10 is nicer. but be prepared for alot of ass pain with that floyd rose. which ever one you choose, make sure you swap out the pickups

for the amp, i always recomend the hughes and kettner edition blue, assuming youre looking for an inexspensive combo
I mean there are three independent switches. I looked for a picture, but I don't seem to have any and it's at my brother's house, because I never use it now that I have the F-50.
I took some pictures finally. It turns out there's one 3-way switch, three 2-way switches, and four knobs.


What do you need? If you just need something for practicing, the Roland Microcube sounds good enough and has enough effects to keep you busy for a while. If you want to play live or jam, do your audience/friends a favor and save up for something decent.
I took some pictures finally. It turns out there's one 3-way switch, three 2-way switches, and four knobs.


Looks nice. But I have no idea what all those switchydoodles do.
carvin knows what theyre doing. i bet atleast 2 of those micro switches are coil taps. its an option available on all carvins, and is pretty cool to boot. the 3rd, i dunno. i'll do some research though. maybe an active/passive switch. is it active?
What do you need? If you just need something for practicing, the Roland Microcube sounds good enough and has enough effects to keep you busy for a while. If you want to play live or jam, do your audience/friends a favor and save up for something decent.

And, how much would I need for something decent?