Official buying advice thread

I'm aware about the pickups, I just really like the sound. They're SD's highest output pickups as well.

I'm using a Vox combo amp for practice. When I record I use either my friend's marshall (it's the big one that's really awesome, JC something or whatever) or amplitube.
I detest the flying v shape to the extent that I would never buy one, but I'll check out the explorers tomorrow. I also considered the Stealth. It seems like a great guitar.

I'm aware about the pickups, I just really like the sound. They're SD's highest output pickups as well.

I'm using a Vox combo amp for practice. When I record I use either my friend's marshall (it's the big one that's really awesome, JC something or whatever) or amplitube.

Buy a Peavey 5150 amp head. They run $4-600 used and one of those will get you the death metal sound you want. I know it isn't a guitar but if you're going after a specific sound and all you have is a Vox practice amp you won't be able to get the tone even with the exact guitar they used.
Yeah, I'd actually been planning on getting a 5150. My friend gave me a pair of waldorf speakers and I'm gonna build my own cab.
Gonna have to hunt the fucker down first. I think Guitar Center might have one...
Yeah, I think they were waldorf, something like that. They came in my friend's Vox AC30, he replaced them with Celestions. Which sound like pure sex, btw.
This is a question of free and quite good (the AC30 sounded great before the speaker change, just sounds fucking incredible afterwards) speakers versus paying for another element of my rig. If it sounds shitty maybe I'll buy some speakers but frankly I think these'll be fine.
okay, got me one of these:
Sexier in person, beautiful guitar, great tone. Played it through a 6505 and I almost came right there in the store. Doesn't sound quite as good through my fucking 30 watt valvetronix, of course, but a 6505 is on my list after the blackouts. Although the pickups it came with (EMGs, 81/89) are fine, so maybe I'll keep '
Tone is good. It's nice to have volume knobs for each pickup. I can have one pickup set very low so that it's clean (but at the same volume) and the other distorted and switch between them. The clean tone is also very good. Great neck. I fucking love this thing.
Honestly the EMGs are going to be fine, if it were stock pickups in a crappy guitar I'd change them out sooner but they'll sound good enough. You'll get a more dramatic improvement to your sound by spending that money on a good cabinet, or better speakers, or a retube/bias on your amp when you buy it.
Honestly the EMGs are going to be fine, if it were stock pickups in a crappy guitar I'd change them out sooner but they'll sound good enough. You'll get a more dramatic improvement to your sound by spending that money on a good cabinet, or better speakers, or a retube/bias on your amp when you buy it.
I'm telling you there won't be a problem with the cab, but as to the amp, I'll ask about that when I have $500.
I'm thinking of buying an Ibanez Weeping Demon Wah, and a DigiTech metal master distortion pedal. Anybody played these??
I'm thinking of buying an Ibanez Weeping Demon Wah, and a DigiTech metal master distortion pedal. Anybody played these??

the metal master pedal isn't half bad. i'd recommend it

the ibanez weeping demon wah is ok but it's not that good either. buy a morely steve vai bad horsie wah instead, i have one of those and i've never found a better wah.
I'm thinking of buying an Ibanez Weeping Demon Wah, and a DigiTech metal master distortion pedal. Anybody played these??

Both pedals are total crap.

I MUCH prefer Morley wahs... I have the Mark Tremonti model and it sounds awesome for modern metal. Dunlop are good but not quite my style.

As for the Metal Master, it seriously sounds like asshole. You'd be better off spending the money on strings or picks or graphite saddles or something you'll actually use.
Both pedals are total crap.

I MUCH prefer Morley wahs... I have the Mark Tremonti model and it sounds awesome for modern metal. Dunlop are good but not quite my style.

As for the Metal Master, it seriously sounds like asshole. You'd be better off spending the money on strings or picks or graphite saddles or something you'll actually use.

I'm just looking for a wah to start with, never bought one. So I'm looking for a good, but also cheap wah.

I've figured already that the metal master sounds too good to actually work.

But thanks for the advice... :headbang:
A few minutes ago my brother plugged in and turned on my Spider III 15 W and it started smoking. Obviously, it doesn't work any more, but conveniently, I was thinking about getting a new amp anyway.

However, I don't know anything about gear, so I'm not sure what to look for. A friend of mine recommended a while ago that I don't get another effects amp though, because they have issues when you try to use effects pedals with them. Is this true?

I'm looking for a small or mid-size amp though, because I live in a dorm and don't need to bother the neighbors with my shitty attempts at guitar playing.

I'm also in the market for a pedal that produces (at least) distortion and overdrive tones. I looked through the Best Pedals - Best Tones thread and heard good things about the Digitech RP serious, but I'm definitely open to other suggestions. Preferably, I'd like tone quality that's comparable to bands like Necrophagist, but with a low budget and smaller amps, I understand that this may not be possible.

I should be able to get the $99 back for my broken amp, so that gives me a budget of roughly $300 - $400 for an amp and pedal.
My computer speakers just stopped working too, so replacing them brings my budget down. I will be getting the $99 credit back for my broken amp though, which makes shopping a bit easier. Anyway, after reading a bunch of reviews and watching a bunch of youtube videos, I've decided to go with a Roland Cube 20x. I'd really like a 30x, but I'm not sure if I want to pay $70 more.

I still won't be purchasing it for another week or two though, so if anyone has suggestions for any other amps that I might want to check out, I would appreciate it. My new budget is about $200.