Official buying advice thread

Hey DUDES!!!! I was wondering who would give me some good advice on buying a good Audio interface, the one i chose was the PreSonus FireStudio Tube FireWire Audio Interface havent buy it yet but was thinking about it nopt sure though. I wanna do some projects that consist of a single musician (ME)and im looking for an audio interface i can work with via plug and record guitars, bass, vocals, I already have resources to software drums which i can use but i just need an interface!!!
What's your budget?
My line 6 UX2 is pretty sweet, it was only $200 and honestly it does everything i want it to do. My friend has one that's much more expensive but the difference is honestly pretty minimal.
Great thread!

I was wondering if any of you had some advice.. I'm looking to get a new guitar.
I have a problem though. My fingers are kinda small so I usually struggle with the neck not being wide enough. There is not enough space for my fingers to arch without pressing multiple strings.

I will be playing heavy metal. I'm a novice player, I don't play in a band or anything, so I don't need THE BEST guitar.
But I've had a couple of really cheap ones, and they really make you want to quit playing all together. haha.

Any ideas for a guitar on a.... say 1000 dollar budget?
And also I would need an AMP. that would be another 1000 or so.

I'm after the sound of bands like Scar Symmetry, Soilwork, KSE, etc...
Melodic death metal. [yes, I know KSE is metalcore]
An example:

(Scar Symmetry - Morphogenesis)

Thanks guys
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um, smaller fingers require a NARROW fretboard. not wider. the wider the neck, the flatter your fingers would have to be to reach. if youre bumping strings on a narrow neck, then you have a technique problem.

in any case, go with ibanez.
haha ok, then I probably have a technique problem.
narrow neck then.

what kind of ibanez would you recommend?
I've taken a look at the s320/520 as well as the RG-series.
thanks for you response. I appreciate it!
i like the S series better. i have the S7320 (7 string version of the 320) and the SA260.

i like my 7320, its very comfy and the neck is super slim. i am gonna replace the bridge pickup though. the B is muddy. the E string though sounds pretty good. the 320 has the infinity pickup though, which i hear is better than the axis. the good thing is, most shops should have a good selection of ibanez guitars. go play em
Hey Guys I need Your advice!!!!! i need to make up my mind here im trying to start up a studio but im working at buying heads first then cabs then im going to build my pc for the part, but my question is here i found an original peavy 5150 like new on craigslist and also a dual rectifier going for 950.00 and also a mesa oversized cab going for 500.00 wow!...but like i said im going to start with buying heads, i just need to decide on weather or not i should buy the dual or the original 5150. i can understand that the 5150 II is rare of course but i want to collect the originals foist! but i could only find the only 5150 like new and the rest are crap!!! damn!!! HELP would be appreciated thanks guys.
you could probably find a better deal on a MESA cab. Just keep searching that's the best advice i can give you.

Chris-bo: try jackson too! I don't like the ibanez fretboards very much and my Jackson SL3 is a match made in heaven! and for an amp it depends on your playing style but I'd search for a 5150 head and a cheap BUT good 4x12. the 5150 should run you around 500-600 and the cab 400-550.
I just want to chip in on Puzzleface's recommendation of the Peavey Valve-king. They sound decent, & they work well for metal as well as other styles. Only thing is, I have a valveking combo & its VERY fragile. Ive had to have it replaced 2 times under warranty & had the valves replaced a couple of times by my local music shop. Ive only gigged it once, & Im not exactly rough with it at home, at the most it gets carried up & down stairs. So you might want to look at something a bit more robust.

That said, it does sound good, & I dont know if its just my particular valve-king thats weak, or they all are. I also dont know about the head & cab version.
Ahoy hoy.

Not long ago my ancient & shitty Stagg pedal, which has been on its last legs for a while finally fell apart. But my student loan has just come in & Im looking to replace it.

Id like something half decent, that is reliable, & has decent playability & speed, but on the other hand drums are not my main instrument, & Im not looking to spend £300+ on something like an Iron Cobra.

any suggestions?

- Jack
hey guys. seeing as how the advice here is always right on the money, i figure ill throw this out there.

i ended up buying an esp ltd mh-1000nt, emg 81 85 active set, and i love it. For an amp i decided to go with the peavey triple x 212 combo my friend was selling used.

now i am having trouble with getting the sound i want and was wondering what you would recommend. im going for a metal/crunchy tone very similar to bullet for my valentine (please dont give me shit i know alot of people think they suck but thats just the tone i want right now). I originally was using just the amps distortion, and although good its just not what i was looking for. then i tried out a boss ml-2 (metal core) pedal and although nice, just doesnt seem right, almost like it isnt clear enough, and when i turn the level up on more than half.. it just sounds like crap, like its too much power or something. i was thinking about the possibility of getting an overdrive pedal and using the amps distortion but i just dont know anymore. any ideas?
well ive been playing around with my triple x and ive got to some sounds i really like, but i still would like to look into an overdrive pedal. what would you recommend? ts-9? alot of people were saying its a great od pedal. or possibly zakk wylde od pedal
The ts-9 kicks ass, I have one myself but I don't use it due to the fact that I don't have a tube amp so I can't get the full effect of it and I don't have a good noise suppresser which is absolutely necessary if you're going to put an overdrive pedal in front of your amp.

Also, what kind of sound are you looking for because the ts-9 and zakk wylde pedals have fairly different sounds.
Hey everybody
I'm new to this forum and could use some advice.
I've been jumping from one crappy combo amp to another until finally deciding to wait, save up and get a somewhat nice tube amp
Now, I tried to fight a guy on ebay into selling his peavey 5150 head which he had marked for $735 (brand new) down to $605 (all the money i have in the world at this second)
And he wouldnt budge which sucks (btw he's not selling it anymore..)

Anyways, I need a head that will serve me well
I play AILD, Killswitch, Slipknot, Slayer sounding metal so i need some versatile gain definitely.
And the very most i can spend is about 800 (thats the VERY MOST)
Any feedback appreciated.. thanks :Smokin: