Official buying advice thread

I've heard that even though its half the price of the 5150/6505 the 6262 sounds BETTER (thicker heavier distortion and cleaner cleans)
would you say thats true?
And also which would you say has more versatile gain?
The 6262 or 333xl?

(yes i know there are better amps out there used like on craigslist but i'd rather buy new)
Well, which type of distortion would suit me better (My budget just ran up to a little over $1000)
Now I can afford to order either head new :)
I really need a nice flexible distortion that can hit smooth, sweepy solos to AILD rhythm distortion (sorry if my descriptions are a little iffy haha)
$735 for a brand new 5150? No wonder he wouldn't budge; that's already about $100 less than they usually go for afaik.

If you have over $1000 you might want to look into an ENGL. Just youtube some videos of people playing them and you'll see what I mean.
Haha i've heard of and heard engl
They sound AMAZING but uhm arent they a LITTLE more than $1000??
Could you suggest a good, specific model please?
Actually I have a different question
I've heard some pretty great sounding clips of the Carvin V3 but was wondering if anyone has had experience with it and knows if it suits "my" tones haha (Crunchy, heavy rhythm and sweeping, smooth-ish solos too name a few)
I heard it has its own tones but is good at covering a wide spectrum
Its features sound great and the price is pretty fantastic
Also I'm really into tweaking which i think the panels 20-something switches would be great ha
Hmm...eBaying the ENGLs...I've definitely seen some on here for cheaper, but right now the cheapest I'm seeing is a Powerball with a buy-it-now of $2k. Huh.
Sorry, nevermind.
I could swear I've seen some at prices around $1400.
Actually on musicians friend they have some of the 60 watt heads for less than 1500
still out of my price range but the way these things sound, I might just have to wait a bit
Thanks for the advice =)
hey guys if you have time take a look at my videos i need some suggestions and help, thanks. here are the videos.

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Look guy, if you are just starting and don't even know how to play you need to get something cheap. I suggest acoustic since you wouldn't need an amp or anything other than the actual guitar. If you just have to have an electric get a damn squire or ltd and a cheap practice amp. Your not gonna be br00tal as soon as you pick the damn thing up so it doesn't matter. Learn to play, learn your chords and scales. After you actually know what your doing then hunt for the equipment.
That being said, if you already know how to play then by all means get a Jackson.
HAHAHAH!!! Awsome man!! i like that!!! will do thanks for the advice man. but i think i will start fresh with an acoustic. just like you say. again thanks bro.
If you want to play metal start with an electric. I would recommend a low-end Ibanez RG ~$250-300 and a Vox 10W combo ~$100. I realize that sounds like a lot of cash to drop on a beginning set, but it'll play a thousand times better than some beginner crap that costs $50 less and even when you get better and move on you'll have some equipment you can still use. I think it would be a mistake to start with acoustic since you won't have the satisfaction of playing your favorite songs to keep you going.

But do what you want.
Look man, Im not slaggin you but this is a very strange way your going about this. I started playing on a $25 Montergomery Ward acoustic with 3/16" action and about half a year later picked up a $35 Kay electric at Wards and played that for years. This is about learning how to play, not a science project, shit or get off the pot... Frank Zappa said it best "Shut up and play yer guitar"
Yeah I think you should start of playing Electric if you want to play electric later on. Why would you start on a different style and then have to have learn how to play again? I would think about how dedicated you will be. If it's going to be a hobby, yeah start with one of those 100 dollar guitars. If you actually feel like you're going to play then I would at least invest 300 dollars into your guitar. Guitar players get stuck in this pyramid of guitar buying where we are happy with our cheaper guitar until we want to trade up. We loose money when we trade up usually. We also tell ourselves this guitar will satisfy me for years...until you see that next one. Save yourself the money and spend more, if that makes sense. Of course I can't speak for all guitarists but tell me if i'm wrong haha.
Ok so ive been selecting and narrowing down my choices and i have made up my mind, Im starting off with this some what low end ESP VIPER, I like it and the specs on it are nice! i want to change the pickups to emgz, more likley with 81s at the neck and 85s at the bridge and do a 18v mod to it, but hopefully i made a good choice, what do you guys think, and those of you who dont understand this thread check out my profile and my first threads and you'll know why.
heres the link to the guitar.
sorry wrong forum guys!!!!