Official buying advice thread

Not if you play most death metal :p

Right on! If playing bass is "easy" you aren't playing the right material! Of course a beginner can just pluck at a bass for a time, but the bass can be so much more.:headbang:

All the same - follow the advise given above...and practice until you cannot do more...and then do more!
Anyone know a bass amp under $200 that has a heavy sound? I just want to recommend it to my friend.
Try out some Laney products; good quality amps that are worth the money. But seriously you were right to think Berhinger is too cheap to be true, every product I've tried is complete crap. It'd be better to save up more money for something with better quality. Kind of like contemplating buying an LTD guitar when there's the ESP version available.
Ah ok, all I can suggest, as I don't really know much about either, is that you go try some of the models out at your local guitar store.
I dont call myself a bassist but i can and have played bass quit a bit. I personlly like ampeg but peavey, has some good stuff. Whats your price range?
I use a 250-W Hartke combo VX 2500 = 1x15" Use it with a Death Metal band for rehearsal and it easily keeps up with a 100W half stack(guitar) and mic'd drum kit not even quite at half-volume. Has on-board eq, etc. sound can really be dialed in as desired. Just another suggestion. Price is 'bout $499 though...
hey everybody. im here in need of some advice. not beginner advice like every other thread is but real advice. alright so i need to know what some good booster/eq pedals are. i'm looking at this one

and the regular model which is just a standard 10 band eq. i was wondering if anyone has had expierience with these? i definetly want to get something like this because i really want to be able to boost my level especially for live gigs with my band. and to be able to customize my sound.

next question.

i got a new guitar in june, (alexi laiho-600 black and yellow) and i've been borrowing my marshall valvestate since sept of 2005. so i really need to step it up and get a really good amp setup. not saying that the valvestate isnt amazing. but it just doesnt put as much "uunf" as i'd like it to. i am no "n00b" when it comes to amps. i have been researching amps for over a year now.

but i dont know if i should go rack or stack? here are my candidates (i am definetly open to new suggestions!)

obvious reasons for this. i've played one before, and i had to run to the bathroom because i blew such a huge load.

with the stock cab of course. i havn't played one, but i've seen many vids on youtube of people using it and it sounds great. also i've asked people their opinions on it and its gotten great reviews.

now these are great amps 'n all. but really i cant afford such expensive ones. i'd like to, but its pretty much out of the question, unless i saved up for a while. but of course they're not out of the picture.

here are my choices for a rack setup

the ever famous ADA MP1. theres always a couple on ebay so its not probably getting one, and there relatively cheap to. (avg. 250 bucks). i've listened to people use them and it has rockin tone! and of course PG uses them so :headbang:

classic CoB tone. im not trying to be a "fanboi" but i've heard this thing in action and it is amazing.

some choices from marshall would be the jmp-1 or a valvestate.

the above were all preamps.

now for power amps. im not totally as knowledgable about these as i amp power amps. but i've heard the peavey 50/50 classic is a good one. and it has a good price. other then that i dont know :erk: and would i need a power conditioner? i dont want anything blowing up. i know furman is the way to go with those babies.

anyways i just need to have my mind set on a perfect amp system, w/ a budget of...say $1000? that has killer metal tone and will rock the house down :headbang:
I just picked up an Ibanez gsr190 soundgear a couple of day's ago, it seems pretty solid and nice for just $150.

What I haven't quite figured out, is how to write bass line's for the work I've already composed via guitar and drum's.
I just picked up an Ibanez gsr190 soundgear a couple of day's ago, it seems pretty solid and nice for just $150.

What I haven't quite figured out, is how to write bass line's for the work I've already composed via guitar and drum's.

Just start by writing the root notes of the guitar chords, it's what 99% of metal bands do 99% of the time.