Official "draw steve smyth fighting dinosaurs and stuff" thread

oh man. I can't wait for steve to post in this thread :lol: :lol: :lol:


yeah me neither
Dude, give me 5 days and I'll post something that'll make Da Vinci look like a class-amateur lol.
I use to draw comic's so I'm bound to come up with something...I'm talking like Marvel-type detailed comics, not Mickey Mouse lol.

Hey people, I've been so busy I forget my name half the time.
I can't wait to post my picture up eh lol... It'll make Marvel crap their pants lol.
Can't wait for you guys to see it...BTW, black and white felt tip pen only

The funny part is that I've been keeping an eye on this thread to see if you'd ever come back!:lol: ... Been a loooooong 5 days...hahaha!:loco:
Hey Bro,
Yeah, I've been so busy with getting college organised, and Steve's lessons that I forget who is who lol.
Yeah, I'm doing the "pencils" tonight like the rough outline, then I'll scope around sor what I have as far as pic's of Steve and a T-Rex from Jurrassic Park...Barney is also an option lol.
Nah, I'll make it Barney with an emo-fringe lol. That ay Steve will don't look bad to little ankle-biters lol.
Cool to hear someone is interested lol