Official Krank discussion thread...

J the TyranT

Thats just how it is...
Dec 14, 2001
Just cuz Im still in the new amp buying market, and Im dying to know what the real difference is between the Rev and the `Stein. I saw the Soilwork boys using the `Stein on their last tour, and completely forgot to ask them why they use that over the Rev, etc etc...

So since I saw Andy mention somewheres that a `Stein is on the way, I'm opening this thread here now, so hopefully he'll comment here when he DOES receive it, and I can easily find his comments about the amp =P

Thank you, that is all.

i played a "stein" sunday,and really wasn't impressed.I was more blown away by the ENGL FIREBALL
I saw Soilwork using them too. Personally, I thought their tone this tour kinda sucked, just really fizzy and without any real body. If I remember correctly, Dark Tranquillity and Mnemic also used them, and all their tones seemed kinda average at best to me. When Hypocrisy came out, they had this HUGE tone, full of presence and body, but still entirely clear. I'm almost positive I saw a 5150 II on stage with them, could be wrong though.
I have a Fireball too.I used it to record the album of my band.It's a great amp for sure and I love his midrangy high gain sound.Though I had some problem with it during tracking cos it has so much gain on 2 already it was pretty hard to tame this beast.I'll post a track when I'll be done.
WTF? Are they pushing ENGL's out of moving vehicles in Europe or what? They dont even sell them like, ANYWHERE around here... hard to find... I wanna play through one... I spoke to Andy about them months ago and he had recommended the Savage 120...

Exsanguis said:
I saw Soilwork using them too. Personally, I thought their tone this tour kinda sucked, just really fizzy and without any real body. If I remember correctly, Dark Tranquillity and Mnemic also used them, and all their tones seemed kinda average at best to me. When Hypocrisy came out, they had this HUGE tone, full of presence and body, but still entirely clear. I'm almost positive I saw a 5150 II on stage with them, could be wrong though.

Actually, Dark Tranquillity was not using the Krank amps, they are using a Behringer V-Amps because it's very costly to transport amps back and forth to the USA. It's small and compact. Though soilwork was using the Krank.

The Kranks sounds great, I'm actually thinking about investing in one.

J the TyranT said:
WTF? Are they pushing ENGL's out of moving vehicles in Europe or what? They dont even sell them like, ANYWHERE around here... hard to find... I wanna play through one... I spoke to Andy about them months ago and he had recommended the Savage 120...


Well,Engl are made in Germany so perhaps that's why it's easier to find them here in Europe.
I want to buy an engl but here in the states i've heard of it picking up radio frequencies.Seriously.So i'm still debating,but hell yeah the fireball and powerball sounded killer
PTE3X said:
I want to buy an engl but here in the states i've heard of it picking up radio frequencies.

If they are doing then it's something any amp tech should be able to fix (it's usually either a grounding problem or crappy tubes), although it's the kind of thing a shop should do before selling an amp anyway.
PTE3X said:
I want to buy an engl but here in the states i've heard of it picking up radio frequencies.Seriously.So i'm still debating,but hell yeah the fireball and powerball sounded killer

Most Engl's have extremely sensitive inputs (due to the fact that they've got insane amounts of gain), so if your cable has bad sheilding you will sometimes pick up radio stations. The problem can be fixed by either using a good cable or putting a noise suppressor (like the Boss NS2 or the ISP Decimator) between your guitar and the amp (this also helps with feedback).

I highly reccomend to anyone in the states who wants to try an Engl. They've got loads of soundclips as well.
J the TyranT said:
They dont even sell them like, ANYWHERE around here... hard to find...
I was lucky enough to buy my Powerball in summer 2004, when the availability was still very good here in Finland. I've heard the availability of Engl amps is very low nowadays here in Europe, let alone elsewhere in the world.

The main reason for that is because each Engl amp is hand-made and the entire company only has 11 workers, if I remember correctly. With the explosion in demand for the amps, they are very loaded and thus it takes quite a while to get an amp - I've heard of 2-3 months' wait times.

I think they recently started hiring more people though, could be wrong.