Official Off Topic Thread

Did I see that more people are checking out "A Song of Ice and Fire"? Sweet. GRRM rules.

Today at work, I'm pretty sure I saw Squeak from Baseketball AGAIN. Also, some guy came in who used to hang out in East Brady, PA (my hometown of like 1,000 people) with a ton of people I know. 3,000 friggin' miles away, we live a few blocks apart now. He even knew where Frogtown was, the not-even-town where I grew up. People who live 5 miles away don't even know where that place is sometimes, haha. Craaaazy.
Hah, i remember that! I also liked finding all the shit that was going on in the scene. I remember there was a huuuuge stink about one book where the scene was the beach and there was a chick with bare sideboob and people shit their pants. Decline of western civilization right there.
Today i got a cold sore and ive done some research on them and i think i got mine from sleep depravation.Ive gotten them before but ive never been able to make them go away ive tried everything from abreva to Campho Phenique,currently im trying Herpecin L but i dont know if it will work.If any one has any tips for making these things go away id be very happy
have you made any new "friends" lately...ones that you didn't know too well?

Anyway, I went out with some friends for an early "happy birthday, Drew" type shindig and we saw Cloverfield while we were out. It was actually pretty cool. The shakiness did get to be a bit much but it does really add to the film. Worth seeing? Yes. Did it live up to the hype? I wasn't as hyped as most people but, to me, Yes.
Thanks man! It's the 20th here too (in Minnesota(:erk:) for school). Yay for officially not being a teenager anymore. Now I can shit-talk about those fucktards without sounding ironic.
Anyway, I went out with some friends for an early "happy birthday, Drew" type shindig and we saw Cloverfield while we were out. It was actually pretty cool. The shakiness did get to be a bit much but it does really add to the film. Worth seeing? Yes. Did it live up to the hype? I wasn't as hyped as most people but, to me, Yes.

Happy birthday :)
It's gonna take me for-friggin-ever to count all these setlist poll responses..there are almost 500 of em on MySpace alone..just kill me now :lol:

Jax, just tell MJR that we want to hear V - The New Mythology Suite played throughout in every concert. And maybe DWOT as an encore. :lol: