Official Off Topic Thread

advancement in technology make failed ideas simpler to realize. it's not that tech or CGI inherently ruin the scare factor, they just make bad decisions easier to implement. they make it easier to overdo it. i wouldn't fault the technology, which has enabled ridiculous triumphs like LoTR battle scenes or the amazing flyovers of Minas Tirith. i fault the people who used the powerful tool poorly. it is the power to tell a narrative that has suffered in the era of Twilight and fan fiction and other derivative garbage.

don't even get me started on cliche monster categories like vampires that have 'rules' which nearly every piece concerning them inexplicably adheres to. not to mention the lack of imagination that leads to writing a story around the same monster type again and again.
fans of anathema should check out Petter Carlsen - Clocks Don't Count. I'm listening to the first track but I can already say it's great. also features guest vocals from the anathema lead dude on a song.
It actually turned out be rather poppy, but the vocals and arrangements are great.

Ken have you heard antimatter? seems to be an associated act to anathema but I have no idea what they're like.
advancement in technology make failed ideas simpler to realize. it's not that tech or CGI inherently ruin the scare factor, they just make bad decisions easier to implement. they make it easier to overdo it. i wouldn't fault the technology, which has enabled ridiculous triumphs like LoTR battle scenes or the amazing flyovers of Minas Tirith. i fault the people who used the powerful tool poorly. it is the power to tell a narrative that has suffered in the era of Twilight and fan fiction and other derivative garbage.

i agree that the advancement of tech produces both good and bad things with movies, CGI ruins most horror movies but at the same time lots of CGI was neccassary to make awesome movies that weren't horror, such as the Avengers and Avatar, yeah Avatar was a total rip-off of Disney's Pochohantas and Ferngully but it was still awesome

don't even get me started on cliche monster categories like vampires that have 'rules' which nearly every piece concerning them inexplicably adheres to. not to mention the lack of imagination that leads to writing a story around the same monster type again and again.

out of all the different types of "monsters" that you could put into movies, you somehow get all the freaking movies being about vampires, the obsesion with vampire-movies and the disapearance of non-vampire-monsters in movies, appears to be the result of the popularity of "interview with the vampire" Damm you Anne Rice for ruining the american movie-going experience!!!
^--- Yeah, that's pretty much precisely how I feel about them (with the addition that I abhor Eriksen's vocals), but for some reason I've come across a strange amount of praise for them in my travels.
this is the only forum I visit for power/prog metal but I haven't really heard a lot of hype for circus maximus either.

The new album is shit. Their early demos remain the best stuff they've ever done.
Circus Maximus... I really dig just 2 songs (Glory of the Empire and A Darkened Mind) of their first two albums.

Now I´ve heard "Nine" a couple of times and...

I´m still liking just 2 songs of them. It took 5 years, right? I guess that for some fans of them, it may be disappointing. And if they are SX fans also, surely will feel a déjà vu...
Yeah I didn't know there was any hype either lol. Well I finally listened to the whole thing, and I agree that it blows.

Glory of the Empire is their best song.