Reign in Acai
Of Elephant and Man
I indulge in a pint of North Coast Old Rasputin yesterday, as I awaiting my new set of tires. This may have been the first time I've drank alone in a public setting, and found the experience to be quite enjoyable. No needless confabulation, just my brew, fish & chips, and 2 soccer teams I couldn't give a shit about. The tires, which set me back 4 bills, may have been the most sound purchase I've made in quite some time. I can actually hit 85 m.p.h on the freeway without feeling as if my car is about to fish tail due to unevenness and balding. I kid you not, I was completely stunned when my car hit 90 almost effortlessly. Now lets just hope the tranny has a couple more years left to it.