Official RC Snobby Beer Purchases Thread

We must keep this thread alive, in order to make it easier for drunken fools like myself to find it. BUMP.
god damn nad said:
i had a stone IPA last night.
I drank a six pack of this hoppy goodness and then a couple of other beers and then made the mistake of eating a box of frozen white castle cheeseburgers with a shitload of

and my god, I had the most phenomenal case of flatulence for the whole weekend.
while i usually poopoo (and peepee) guinness as being a pretty generic stout, it's been my beverage of choice over the past week or two during the usual beerings, and tonight shall be no different.

i think it's because i can drink 5 of them and not get wasted or feel like shit the next day.
god damn nad said:
anderson valley is some GOOD shit niggah!!!

try their boont amber MMMMMMMM THEM SHITZ! :kickass:

Yes it is. Their Oatmeal Stout rules too. I'll need to pick up the amber ale. This IPA is a DAMN fine IPA.

This Messiah Bold on the other hand is confusing. It is more like a cream stout than any brown ale. Very yeasty feel in the mouth and loads of roasted malts although it is just way too sweet. Reminds me of Sam Adams Cream Stout but a lil sweeter. I'm undecided. Probably won't buy again.
i drank two pints (proper pints mind you) of guinness while watching my extremely hot and large breasted date consume a... umm.... i dunno, it had hawai'i in the name and looked like menstration.
god damn nad said:
i drank two pints (proper pints mind you) of guinness while watching my extremely hot and large breasted date consume a... umm.... i dunno, it had hawai'i in the name and looked like menstration.

The real question is...did you get the stink? :cool:
nah. i must say i like her though so like, waiting a few weeks is fine by me. or hours. minutes. ummm okay i woke up this morning and jerked off to the thought of her right way so right now would be a good time. :dopey: